What Orthotics Can Do for You

If you have foot pain, you owe it to yourself and your feet to explore what orthotics can do for you. While you may have tried over-the-counter inserts before only to have disappointing results, custom-fit orthotics are designed by your podiatrist to fit your individual foot issues and provide optimal results. Here at The Ankle and Foot Clinic in Omaha, NE, Dr. Kent DiNucci offers a wide range of orthotics to help you and your feet feel better—read on to learn more! 

Orthotic benefits

Diabetes, walking/standing for an excessive amount of time, having flat-feet, being overweight—these factors and many more all contribute to foot pain. Furthermore, each of these issues can, in turn, lead to pain in other areas of your body including your legs, hips, and back. Fortunately, custom-fit orthotics can give you both the relief you need and the comfort you want.

Consider these types of orthotics available at The Ankle and Foot Clinic:

  • Soft orthotics, which help cushion your feet, absorb the impact of walking/standing, and help with balance; soft orthotics cover the soles of your feet with soft material and are a great choice if you have diabetic foot pain, arthritis, or if you are dealing with structural abnormalities in your feet.
  • Semi-rigid orthotics, which aid your balance and are a great choice for runners and active people; semi-rigid orthotics are also excellent for children and adults with flat feet. This type of orthotic is composed of layers of rigid and soft materials.
  • Rigid orthotics, which limit the motion of your joints, provide stability and relieve tendon strain. Made of hard plastic materials, rigid orthotics help reduce or eliminate pain in your back, thigh, and lower leg muscles. 

Need relief? Give us a call

You don’t have to suffer from acute or chronic foot pain—the right orthotic can help you and your feet feel better fast. To find out more about what custom-fit orthotics can do for you, call Dr. Kent DiNucci at The Ankle and Foot Clinic in Omaha, NE, today at (402) 331-0221.

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9:00 am-5:30 pm


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9:00 am-3:30 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm


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