Toenail Fungus Treatment Options

Are you noticing changes in your nail? It could be a fungal infection. 

Fungal nail infections are incredibly common. While anyone can develop fungal infections they are even more common among seniors. Know the warning sign of toenail fungus, as well as how to properly treat it and when that it’s time to turn to our Omaha, NE, podiatrist Dr. Kent DiNucci for more aggressive treatment.

How do I know that it’s a fungal infection?

In the beginning stages, the infection will appear along the edges of the nail, causing them to turn yellow. As the infection spreads, yellowing and discoloration will affect the entire toenail. Over time, the nail may thicken or become brittle, causing the nail to break off or lift away from the skin. Unfortunately, fungal infections are contagious, which means that the rest of your nails can also be susceptible to infection. This is why it’s important that you treat the fungus right away before it has a chance to spread.

Can I treat a fungal nail infection myself? 

There are instances where you may be able to treat the infection on your own and times when you should turn to our Omaha, NE, foot doctor for treatment. Those who are dealing with diabetes or nerve damage in their feet should always seek medical care to ensure that they get the proper treatment they need to prevent serious complications.

Just because you start to treat the fungus doesn’t mean that it will go away immediately. It can take a while. Even once the infection has been treated it can still take several months for a healthy, clear nail to grow back.

When should I turn to a podiatrist for treatment?

Often times, over-the-counter antifungal products just aren’t enough to cure the infection. That’s because creams and ointments cannot penetrate the nail to effectively kill the fungus lying underneath. Therefore, if fungal nail infections seem to be a persistent issue for you then it’s time to see a podiatrist. Our foot doctors can provide oral antifungal medication, which can treat the infection systemically, or we can treat stubborn and recurring infections through laser treatment.

Dealing with severe, discolored toenails? If so, The Ankle and Foot Clinic in Omaha, NE, is the place to turn to treat everything from fungal infections to plantar fasciitis. Call our office today at (402) 331-0221 to schedule an appointment.

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