How Do You Know if You Need Orthotics?

If you experience discomfort or pain while walking and have tried to no avail over-the-counter insoles and at-home treatments then it may be time to consult with your Omaha, NE, podiatrist about custom orthotics. Learn more about them by contacting Dr. Kent DiNucci of The Ankle and Foot Clinic.

At-Home Care

In many instances, casual discomfort and some foot minor problems can be managed at home with simple treatments such as stretching, using ice or warm water, depending on the symptoms, and of course rest. The actual methods vary but the goal of at-home care is to ease discomfort, to tamper down minor swelling, and to get you back on your feet. Anything more involved will usually require help from your podiatrist, and often orthotics.

Over-The-Counter Insoles

Normally, part of at-home care often involves using over-the-counter insoles to provide relief. While for many this is the last step, if you are finding that your condition doesn't improve with time and that you are relying on insoles you should consult with your foot doctor about using custom orthotics. Unlike the insoles you will find in your pharmacy, custom orthotics are specially molded to your feet and made to treat your specific condition.

What They Can Treat

If you suffer from a chronic foot condition then you may see many benefits from using custom orthotics.

To name a few, some of the conditions that are often prescribed orthotics include bunions or hammertoes, plantar fasciitis, and flat feet. Without the support of orthotics, those who suffer from these could see the condition exacerbated.


Although not exactly a foot condition, diabetes does make foot care all the more important. With diabetes, foot injuries are more difficult to heal and also to even notice that they are there. With custom orthotics relieving some of the pressure and stress on your feet they can help reduce these injuries. But it doesn't replace the need for regular visits with your podiatrist.

Orthotics in Omaha, NE

Orthotics can provide support and relief if you are experiencing problems with your feet or ankles, and treatments that employ orthotics may even help you to avoid more invasive procedures, such as surgery.

So if you are interested in orthotics and live in or around the Omaha, NE, area you can schedule a consultation with Dr. DiNucci of The Ankle and Foot Clinic by dialing (402) 331-0221.

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9:00 am-5:30 pm


10:00 am-5:30 pm


9:00 am-3:30 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm


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