Shockwave Therapy

When you’re dealing with foot pain, you might feel like there are no further treatments that could work for you. It can feel overwhelming to find the best treatment that can ease your pain and allow you to participate in your favorite activities again. Instead of suffering through the pain, your podiatrist can explain what shockwave therapy is and how it might be able to help you manage your pain.

Shockwave Therapy for Foot Pain in Omaha, NE

When you’re dealing with certain foot and ankle injuries, it can affect your overall function and how you’re able to perform each day. Foot pain can stop you from even being able to walk around for extended periods of time. Instead of dealing with foot pain and wincing every time you need to walk around, your podiatrist might suggest shockwave therapy.

Shockwave therapy is noninvasive and uses high-energy shockwaves to stimulate your body’s natural healing process. It can also accelerate how your body heals soft tissue injuries by boosting your circulation. This can help if you’re dealing with chronic pain and need to find relief from that constant pain.

Shockwave therapy can treat issues like:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Tendonitis
  • Morton’s neuroma
  • Bone spurs

Shockwave therapy can be combined with other treatments like orthotics and physical therapy to get you the best results possible. You may need several treatments before you notice your desired results, but you’ll be able to walk without pain in no time. You’ll find that shockwave therapy gives you relief from your pain and this relief can continue until your next appointment.

Contact Our Podiatrist Today

Find out how you can start dealing with your foot pain instead of suffering from it. Contact our podiatrist at The Ankle and Foot Clinic in Omaha, NE,
at (402) 331-0221 to learn more about shockwave therapy and how it can relieve your pain.

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