The Benefits of Dental Implants

Find out why dental implants are people’s first choice for replacing missing teeth.

No matter how you lost your teeth, whether through gum disease, decay, or a car accident, we understand just how upsetting and frustrating this situation can be. While we know this was the last thing you ever wanted to deal with, our New Lenox, IL, dentist Dr. Aroon Pal and Dr. Amer Atassi do want to reassure you that with amazing solutions such as dental implants, there is a way to fully restore your smile again. Wondering if this popular tooth replacement option is right for you? Here are just some of the cool benefits of getting dental implants,

Protect Your Jawbone 

Most people don’t think about the health of their jawbone when they are dealing with tooth loss, but the jawbone is also impacted by losing one or more teeth. That’s because the roots of your teeth all work together to stimulate the jawbone to produce new cells, so when one or more teeth fall out or are extracted, the jawbone isn’t getting the proper stimulation it needs. Fortunately, a dental implant stimulates the jawbone the same way real tooth roots do, which prevents bone loss from occurring.

A Lifelong Solution 

Once you lose a tooth, the most important factor for many of our patients is finding an artificial replacement tooth that truly lasts. The dental implants we offer our patients here in New Lenox, IL, are incredibly durable and made from the highest-quality, biocompatible material. What does that mean for you? It means that with the proper oral care, your implant could last you the rest of your life.

Easy Maintenance 

While proper oral hygiene is key to a healthy smile regardless of whether you have false teeth or not, you’ll be happy to know that caring for dental implants is really no different than caring for natural teeth. You don’t have to remove your implants at night or soak them in special solutions. Simply care for them the way you would natural teeth by brushing and flossing them regularly. That’s all you need to do!

Eat What You Want Again 

Particularly for our patients who are missing several teeth, eating can be a real challenge. Not only that, but many people with significant tooth loss also deal with nutritional deficits and digestive issues because they are restricted in what they can eat and they have trouble properly chew. By getting dental implants, your smile and bite can be fully restored. Not only will you be able to enjoy all of your favorite foods again, but you also might find that digestive issues are no longer a problem.

If you are dealing with tooth loss and would like to sit down with our New Lenox, IL, dental team to discuss dental implants, then simply call Lifetime Family Dental today at (815) 717-8793 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Pal and Dr. Atassi.

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