The Academy Of Ambulatory

Conditions Treated:

  • Bunions
  • Taylors Bunions
  • Common Nail Problems
  • Hammer toe
  • Heel Spurs
  • Laser Nail Fungus Treatment
  • Warts

How Does It Differ From Other Surgery?

Many surgical procedures that are performed in a hospital require large incisions and many times general anesthesia. A major factor in recovery time and discomfort is the amount of tissue that has been involved by the incision and the risk of surgery is multiplied by general anesthesia.

Ambulatory foot surgery, in most instances, is performed in an office or an outpatient surgical center under local anesthesia. A small incision is made in the patients' skin and a specially designed instrument is inserted into this opening. The entire procedure is performed through this tiny opening. At the conclusion of the surgery, a few stitches may be used to close the opening and a small bandage protects the area. The patient generally leaves the office walking, and in many instances in his own shoes! The condition has been corrected, the patient remains ambulatory and discomfort and prolonged disability have been avoided.

Is It Really An Effective Technique?

Today, ambulatory foot surgery is a developed art. Over 2,000 international physicians and surgeons specializing in this technique are members of The Academy of Ambulatory Foot and Ankle Surgery, and with each year the number increases. The triangular Academy seal depicts its dedication to ambulation, rehabilitation, and education.

Ambulation - The patient who can walk into the surgeon's office can walk out.

Rehabilitation - Restoring the patient to good foot health without loss of productivity at the lowest possible cost.

Education - Continued research into techniques and instruments for minimal incision surgery

It is now over forty years since the original pioneers began the development of this art. They sought the means of ending discomfort and suffering for a wider cross section of the population. They reasoned that if the necessity for hospitalization and prolonged disability was eliminated, more people could afford to avail themselves of these advanced services.

As their development progressed they found that it was rarely necessary to incapacitate their patients. Painful bunions, recurring corns, heel spurs, contracted toes and hammertoes were corrected by this new technique and the patients remained ambulatory. Through the years, other interested physicians and surgeons made worthwhile contributions until we have reached today's state of the art. Cost effective, minimal invasive foot surgery is a reality.

Your Future Health

We hope this approach makes sense to you and we can start working together to correct your problems. A member doctor, Denis LeBlang, D.P.M. is board certified in Ambulatory Surgery.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Congers Podiatry Office


9:00 am-3:00 pm




11:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm





