Oral Appliance Therapy for Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea affects millions of adults in the U.S. It is a condition associated with interrupted breathing while sleeping, which makes it difficult to achieve restful sleep. Sleep apnea can be treated with oral appliance therapy. At VA Smile Makers, Dr. Sherry Anoushfar and Dr. Mohsen Izadi are your dentists in Vienna and Reston for the treatment of sleep apnea through oral appliance therapy.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition in which breathing is interrupted while sleeping due to a collapsed airway. When the airway collapses, air cannot easily reach the lungs. The result is brief pauses in breathing throughout the night, which can interfere with a person’s ability to achieve restful sleep. Several symptoms are associated with sleep apnea, including insomnia. See your Vienna dentist for treatment if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Snoring at night
  • Gasping for breath at night
  • Interrupted breathing at night
  • Feeling unrested upon waking
  • Feeling sleepy throughout the day
  • Difficulty concentrating or remembering things
  • Headaches in the morning after waking
  • Irritability throughout the day

Sleep apnea is associated with several risk factors. Having one or more of the risk factors does not mean you will develop sleep apnea, but you could be at an increased risk for developing it. Risk factors include being middle-aged, having high blood pressure, being overweight, and having a family history of sleep apnea. Additionally, men to be at higher risk of developing sleep apnea than women.

Oral Appliance Therapy

Traditionally, CPAP therapy has been used to treat sleep apnea. CPAP involves the use of a sleep mask and a machine that works by delivering consistent air pressure to a person’s airway so it does not collapse while sleeping. CPAP therapy is an effective treatment for many patients with sleep apnea. However, some patients experience discomfort using CPAP therapy. Fortunately, there is now an alternative called oral appliance therapy.

Oral appliance therapy is available through your Vienna and Reston dentists at VA Smile Makers. With oral appliance therapy, there is no need for a sleep mask or machine to regulate air pressure. Instead, a custom oral appliance similar to an orthodontic retainer is worn in the mouth at night. The appliance helps keep the airway open so breathing is not interrupted while sleeping. Some appliances hold the tongue in place so it cannot block the airway, while others hold the lower jaw in a stable position.

Oral appliance therapy can help you achieve a more restful sleep by treating your sleep apnea. See one of our dentists at VA Smile Makers to learn more about how oral appliance therapy can help with your sleep apnea. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Anoushfar or Dr. Izadi, call VA Smile Makers at (703) 319-9880 for the Vienna office or at (703) 318-8133 for the Reston office.

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