Comparing Mohs Surgery With Other Skin Cancer Treatment Modalities

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that the most common type of cancer affecting individuals in the United States is skin cancer. Fortunately, most types of skin cancer can be successfully treated and stopped from spreading when caught early. One of the most effective methods for treating many different types of skin cancer is Mohs surgery. Dr. Veronica Rutt at Zaladonis Dermatology Associates in Bethlehem, PA, offers Mohs surgery for the treatment of skin cancer.

Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery is a technique for removing cancerous skin cells while preserving as much of the surrounding healthy tissue as possible. The treatment area is mapped out and a special micrographic technique is used to carefully remove thin layers of skin tissue. Then, the tissue sample is closely examined under a microscope. If cancer cells are present, another thin layer of skin tissue is removed and checked under the microscope. This process is repeated until no more cancer cells are present.

At our dermatology practice in Bethlehem, PA, Mohs surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure so patients are able to return home the same day. Local anesthesia is administered, which means the patient will remain awake throughout the procedure. The surgery can take up to a few hours to complete, depending on how many layers of skin tissue are ultimately excised. When all the cancer has been removed, the treatment area is sutured or closed with a flap or skin graft.

Other Skin Cancer Treatment Methods

Several effective methods are available for treating the different types of skin cancer. Our experienced dermatologists will be able to recommend the best methods for treating your type of skin cancer. In addition to Mohs micrographic surgery, other methods regularly used for treating skin cancer include:

  • Prescription medicated creams — Topical medications applied directly to the skin that works by stimulating the immune system to target and destroy cancer cells.
  • Curettage and desiccation — Treatment method that involves first scraping out the malignant tumor, and then applying an electric current to destroy any remaining cancer.
  • Radiation therapy — Radiation is used to target and kill cancer cells, as well as shrink tumors.
  • Traditional excision — Malignant tumors are surgically removed. Some surrounding healthy tissue might be removed as well to ensure no cancer cells are missed.
  • Cryosurgery — Liquid nitrogen is used to freeze and destroy cancerous areas on the skin.

Benefits and Advantages of Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery offers numerous benefits and advantages over some other methods of treating skin cancer. When compared with traditional excision, the micrographic technique utilized during Mohs surgery preserves much more healthy skin tissue and results in less scarring. This makes it an excellent option for treating facial skin cancers since preserving aesthetics is particularly important.

Another advantage of Mohs surgery is a lower recurrence rate. The rate of recurrence in the first five years following treatment is between 10-20% with traditional excision, but only 1-5% with Mohs surgery. The micrographic technique makes it possible to remove more cancer cells.

If you have been diagnosed with skin cancer, our doctors will develop a treatment plan that includes the best treatment method for your type of cancer. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Rutt to learn more about skin cancer treatments, including Mohs surgery, by calling Zaladonis Dermatology Associates in Bethlehem, PA, at (610) 868-3150.

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Hours of Operation

Zaladonis Dermatology Associates


7:30 am-6:00 pm


7:30 am-5:00 pm


7:30 am-5:00 pm


7:30 am-6:00 pm


7:30 am-2:00 pm



