Interested in Acne Treatment?

Gawey Dermatology and Dr. Elizabeth Gawey can provide care options to help manage many common issues, including acne treatment in Oklahoma City, OK. This care can help you eliminate your acne problems and even remove scars that may affect your appearance. In addition, understanding the methods that we use can help you better decide what therapy makes the most sense for your needs.

A Few Options for Acne Care

Our therapy options start by examining the cause of your acne and its spread across your face. Once we know what we're up against, we can diagnose a care option that makes the most sense for you. The best acne treatment in Oklahoma City, OK, will include options such as:

  • Chemical peels that carefully remove and eliminate your acne 
  • Laser therapy that can burn away difficult and tricky acne problems 
  • Facials that can improve your appearance and minimize acne spread 
  • Oral antibiotics that kill bacteria on the skin that cause acne 
  • Isotretinoin to treat severe cystic acne 

We can provide one or more therapies, as needed, to help you recover from your acne problems. By carefully adjusting your treatment, we can ensure that you get strong results and will work hard to ensure that your acne outbreaks never take over your skin again.

We Can Eliminate Your Scarring

The worst thing about acne isn't its temporary appearance but the long-term scarring that may affect your looks for years. This scarring can be embarrassing and serves as a reminder of your acne in the past. Thankfully, our team can help you get rid of your scars in a few ways.

For example, chemical peels may help with mild scars by carefully removing the scar tissue from your face. This gives your skin time to heal over these scars to produce a smoother, more attractive face. Microneedling helps eliminate moderate scars and restore your skin health.

It is important to get acne scar treatment as soon as possible to minimize its depth. Leaving scar tissue for too long gives it time to settle on your face and become more widespread or even permanent. Talk to us today if you're worried about acne scarring staying with you for many years.

Help is Available for You

Acne management doesn't have to be a significant difficulty if you call us at Gawey Dermatology. Dr. Gawey understands how to provide acne treatment for Oklahoma City, OK, residents and will do what she can to ensure you get the help you need. So make sure that you call us at (405) 951-8711 to learn more about our care options.

Our Location

Hours of Operation - Gawey Dermatology

A mask is currently required for office visits


8:30 AM - 4:00 PM


9:30 AM - 4:00 PM


8:30 AM - 4:00 PM


9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


9:00 AM - 12:00 PM





Note: Hours may vary with holidays and weather


What Our Clients Say About Us

  • "Love this Doctor!"
  • "Very kind and helpful."
  • "Everything went very well!"
  • "Jennifer was so warm and friendly. She seemed to genuinely care about my concerns. I really loved how sweet the staff was! Thank you for providing me with a wonderful first experience!"