Discover The Benefits Of Invisalign

Wondering what this invisible aligner system can do for your smile? 

You keep hearing all this information about an invisible way to straighten your smile and you’re ready to learn more. After all, if there truly is a way for you to get a straighter smile without your colleagues staring at your braces every day, you’re in! Our Mattapoisett, MA, dentists Dr. Sathvik Seshadri, Dr. Shikaha Chopra, and Dr. Paola Buckley know that many adults didn’t get the orthodontic treatment they needed early in life; however, this doesn’t mean that you can’t get it later in life. Talk to Aspire Dental Care today to learn more.

Here are some of the top benefits of Invisalign treatment.

Enjoy a custom-fitted treatment 

Each aligner in your treatment plan will fit perfectly over your teeth. They should be snug against your teeth to provide just the right amount of pressure to move teeth into the proper position; however, they are made from flexible, comfortable, and smoothed thermoplastic, which makes them far more comfortable and less likely to cause gum irritation.

Easy to clean and care for 

Since aligners are removable this means that you can easily care for your teeth and gums the same way you did before getting Invisalign. Absolutely nothing has to change with regards to your at-home oral routine, as long as you are doing everything possible to keep your teeth and gums healthy and clean. Your Mattapoisett, MA, general dentist can also show you how to keep your aligners clean and stain-free.

Eat what you want without restrictions 

Again, Invisalign aligners are removable, which means that you can also remove them right before mealtime, so you don’t have to worry about avoiding certain foods to protect your braces. All foods fit when you are wearing Invisalign.

Fast results 

We all know that our adult patients are looking for the most effective and efficient orthodontic system to get results as quickly as possible. In most cases, Invisalign can offer amazingly fast results. The average length of treatment for adults who get Invisalign is one year. Those with more minor alignment issues may even get results in less than one year.

Fewer trips to the dentist 

Your time is important, and we know that you don’t want to be spending a lot of time running back and forth to our dental office. While our dental team will need to monitor the progress of your treatment, you will only need to come into our office every 4-6 weeks for these quick progress reports and checkups.

Are you ready to sit down with our Mattapoisett, MA, family dentist to find out if you’re a great candidate for Invisalign? If so, give Aspire Dental Care a call at (508) 758-4925. Dr. Sathvik Seshadri, Dr. Shikaha Chopra, and Dr. Paola Buckley would be happy to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists.


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