Which Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure Is Right for Me?

If you want to improve your smile, luckily, you have several choices for cosmetic dental work. At Aspire Dental Care, located in Mattapoisett, MA, a dentist is available to discuss which cosmetic dentistry procedure is best for you.

Which Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure is Right for Me?

A good dentist can transform almost anyone's teeth to give them a smile they desire. The following procedures may not be for everyone, but a dentist at Aspire Dental Care of Mattapoisett, MA, can help determine which is right for you.

Cosmetic Teeth Whitening

Also known as "teeth bleaching," teeth whitening is very common among patients who want to brighten and whiten their teeth from staining or discoloration. Believe it or not, bleaching can be done in the dental office or at home. However, you want to check with your dentist first because not everyone's teeth can be bleached.

Dental Veneers

Veneers are porcelain or composite material and provide a thin shell custom-made and cemented to the tooth's front side. The dentist uses veneers to treat dental conditions like crooked, discolored, and chipped teeth or even help cover the teeth gaps.

Dental Implants

When you have a missing tooth, one of the best ways to treat it is by replacing it with a dental implant. The dental implant device is made of titanium and surgically placed into the jawbone where the tooth is missing. An implant acts as a root and anchor for artificial teeth, like dental crowns and bridges.

Dental Crowns

Crowns are also known as caps and custom-made to fit over your whole tooth. Dental crowns are acrylic or porcelain fused to metal to withstand the pressure from biting. Dentists apply crowns to cover poorly shaped teeth, decaying, broken, chipped teeth, or when they have larger fillings.

Cosmetic Teeth Shaping

The dentist can reshape your tooth by filling or removing its enamel, also known as enamel shaping. This procedure is usually not painful and provides immediate results.

Tooth Bonding

With teeth bonding, tooth-colored materials are bonded to the tooth. Tooth bonding repairs or improves the appearance of a tooth that is badly stained, chipped, or broken.


Products such as Invisalign offer clear teeth aligners as a popular alternative to wire braces to straighten your smile.

Consult your dentist at Aspire Dental Care at their office located in Mattapoisett, MA, to discuss what you would like to change and which procedure best suits your needs. You can call and make an appointment today at (508) 758-4925.


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