What To Expect When Getting Sedation Dentistry

If you often feel anxious about dental appointments, sedation dentistry could put you at ease. Sedation dentistry focuses on helping patients relax and feel calm during dental appointments by using mild sedatives to alleviate anxiety and stress. We offer sedation dentistry at Advance Dental in Granger. Our experienced and understanding dentist, Dr. Ronald Stangebye, can explain how sedation dentistry could calm your specific dental fears.

Oral Conscious Sedation 

Sedation dentistry utilizes mild sedatives to help you relax and feel less anxious during dental appointments, whether for a standard checkup or a more involved procedure. We offer oral conscious sedation dentistry at our office in Granger, which means you remain awake during the entire time but feel completely relaxed and free of stress or anxiety. The medication will not knock you out. Sedatives are usually taken orally or inhaled. Nitrous oxide, sometimes referred to as laughing gas, is an example of an inhaled sedative.

Depending on the individual patient, the sedatives used to relax you can sometimes cause you not to remember all or part of your dental checkup or procedure. However, you will remain conscious throughout the appointment. One of the advantages of being so relaxed that you might do not recall portions of the procedure is that time seems to go by quickly. This allows many patients to tolerate more lengthy dental work during a single appointment so they do not have to return multiple times to complete the work.

For example, having several teeth extracted could cause someone to feel anxious and stressed. If the experience seems too overwhelming, a patient might only be able to handle having one tooth extracted at a time. Doing so would require multiple dental appointments to finish pulling out all the teeth requiring extraction. Sedation dentistry helps put you in such a relaxed state that you can tolerate having the extractions all completed at the same time and will not need to return for a separate appointment to have the work completed.

You can expect to feel calm, relaxed, and stress-free when you opt to utilize sedation dentistry for your dental appointments. To learn more about how you can benefit from sedation dentistry, contact Advance Dental in Granger to schedule an appointment with Dr. Stangebye by calling us at (574) 271-9910.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


11:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm



