Teeth Extractions: Do I Need One?

How tooth extraction from your dentist in Granger, IN, can help your smile

Did you know that extracting a tooth can sometimes help your smile? It’s true! If you need to have a tooth extracted, you need to know the facts. For example, how do you know if you need to have a tooth removed?

Dr. Ronald Stangebye of Advance Dental in Granger, IN, offers a wide range of dental services, including tooth extractions to help you and your smile.

So, how do you know if you need to have a tooth extracted? Generally, teeth are extracted because:

  • A tooth is heavily damaged with significant loss of tooth structure
  • A tooth is severely decayed and it can’t be repaired with a restoration
  • A tooth is painful even after root canal therapy has been completed
  • A tooth has been split down through the roots
  • A tooth is loose because too much bone and soft tissue support has been lost due to periodontal disease

There are also reasons why you may need a healthy tooth removed. Your dentist may recommend a tooth extraction because:

  • There is not enough room for the tooth, even with orthodontic treatment
  • Tooth removal will make orthodontics easier and provide a better outcome

The most common reason to remove a tooth is if the tooth is a third molar or wisdom tooth. Very few people have enough room to accommodate three sets of molars. As a result, third molars can erupt sideways, crowding other teeth, or they may not erupt at all, a condition known as impaction.

Impacted third molars can develop cysts around them, which can cause bone destruction. That’s why impacted wisdom teeth are frequently removed.

Your dentist will make recommendations on whether you need to have a tooth extraction in our Granger office. If you do need to have a tooth removed, don’t worry. Dr. Stangebye is committed to giving you comfortable, caring treatment before, during, and after your tooth extraction appointment.

To find out more about why you might need to have a tooth extracted, talk with an expert. Call Dr. Ronald Stangebye of Advance Dental in Granger, IN, at (574) 271-9910. Call today!

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