Are You Interested in Dental Implants?

Missing teeth could really be embarrassing for many people, causing them to cease smiling in public and losing their self-esteem. Likewise, the gaps that lost teeth leave behind could become infected, result in adjacent teeth moving out of place, as well as make eating and speaking harder.

Here at Advance Dental, Dr. Ronald Stangebye, your dentist in Granger, IN, regularly uses dental implants for replacing lost teeth to help patients regain their smiles and improve their oral health. Until your consultation, you can learn more about dental implants here.

What Is The Dental Implant Procedure Like?

First off, an implant is used for replacing the lost tooth roots, and not the visible part of the tooth. The visible part of the tooth will be replaced with a dental crown. To install the implant, which is crafted from titanium, it must be surgically positioned under your gum line and into your jawbone. This creates a synthetic and very sturdy root system that will function exactly like your natural tooth roots.

In several months, your jawbone and the implant will fuse, creating a durable foundation on which to place the tooth restoration, either a dental crown or a denture, on top. Once the implantation site has healed, your dentist in Granger, IN, will then secure the tooth restoration atop the dental implants.

Are Dental Implants Right For Me?

Anyone with one or a couple of missing teeth could qualify for the dental implant procedure to replace their lost teeth. However, only a careful evaluation by your dentist will accurately determine your eligibility for the procedure. During the consultation, your dentist will need to scrutinize your oral tissues and jawbone.

Essentially, your jawbone has to have adequate density, and your gums must be free of disease. If your dentist finds warning signs of decay or gum disease, for instance, you should have these issues addressed before you can start with the dental implant surgery. Additionally, if your jawbone lacks sufficient density to properly support a dental implant, your dentist will recommend a bone graft to help build up more jawbone before the dental implantation procedure.

Contact Us For More Information or Questions About Dental Implants

Schedule a consultation with your Granger, IN, dentist, Dr. Ronald Stangebye of Advance Dental by dialing 574-271-9910.

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