Restorations Without Anxiety Under Oral Conscious Sedation

How sedation dentistry from your dentist in Granger, IN, can help relieve your dental anxiety

Do you need dental work, but are afraid of going to the dentist? If so, you are not alone. Dental anxiety is real, with real consequences, including not getting needed dental work completed. The good news is, your dentist has a solution to your dental anxiety; it’s called sedation dentistry!

Dr. Ronald Stangebye at Advance Dental in Granger, IN, offers a wide range of dental services, including dental sedation, to relieve your dental anxiety.

There are many reasons why you might be suffering from dental anxiety. You might have had a difficult appointment in the past, or you just don’t like the sounds and smells of a dental office. Many people feel vulnerable being laid back in the dental chair. Whatever is causing your dental anxiety, dental sedation can help.

Consider that sedation dentistry can help you:

  • Have a pain-free dental appointment
  • Feel calm and relaxed during your visit
  • Feel drowsy or sleep through your visit
  • Get necessary dental work completed, with fewer appointments

Dr. Stangebye offers conscious sedation, a completely safe type of sedation. You will take a sedative in pill form before your appointment. During your appointment nitrous oxide, commonly known as “laughing gas” may also be administered, depending on the level of sedation you want. You will be carefully monitored throughout your appointment to make sure you are comfortable.

You will need to bring someone with you to drive you home after your appointment, because you still may be a bit groggy or hazy afterward.

To read more detailed information about conscious sedation, please click here.

Sedation dentistry can save you from the fear of going to the dentist. To learn more about the different types of sedation and how sedation dentistry can relieve your dental anxiety, talk with an expert. Call Dr. Ronald Stangebye at Advance Dental in Granger, IN. You can reach him at (574) 271-9910, so call today!

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