What Does Sedation Dentistry Entail?

Also known as sleep dentistry, sedation dentistry in Granger, IN can make long and uncomfortable dental procedures much more tolerable, especially for patients that fear going to the dentist.  Dr. Ronald Stangebye, along with the team at Advance Dental, is here to help make your dental experience as pleasant and pain-free as possible. 

How Sedation Dentistry in Granger, IN Can Make a Huge Difference

Dr. Stangebye and his team at Advance Dental are focused on all of their patients' needs. This includes understanding the fear of pain and discomfort that can cause some patients to avoid necessary oral health care. Fortunately, sedation dentistry for Granger, IN patients is available. 

The availability of this treatment option can make a dreaded procedure much more comfortable and easier to handle. Dr. Stangebye wants his patients to receive the dental care that they need in a timely and thorough manner. There are different options available to patients depending on the length and complexity of the needed procedures. Anesthesia or total sedation is one option available for the most complex situations, but there are other options that patients can choose.

Nitrous oxide - commonly referred to as laughing gas, is often used to help patients relax. This minimum level of sedation is helpful for patients that may fear dental procedures but will not be undergoing lengthy and complex procedures. 

Medication - there are drugs available in pill form that can help to create a situation with moderate sedation. Patients may choose this if the treatment that they are receiving is long and potentially painful.

Moderate IV sedation - you may be aware of what is called "twilight" sedation. This type of moderate sedation is less extreme than general anesthesia but is quite effective in blocking pain. The patient may not be aware of their surroundings, but they will not fully go to sleep.

All of these options are available to patients who may want to experience some sedation but do not require full anesthesia.  A consultative appointment with the dental team can help to answer all of your questions and help you make the decision that is best for your needs and situation. 

Our Team is Here to Answer Your Questions

Give Advance Dental and Dr. Stangebye a call today at (574) 271-9910 and find out if sedation dentistry in Granger, IN is right for you!

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


11:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


11:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm



