Treatment Options For Your Bothersome Neck Injury

It's hard to get through the day if you suffer from a neck injury. Every movement of your head brings a fresh surge of pain. Over-the-counter pain medications just don't do enough to treat your symptoms. Jason Miller, D.C., your Attleboro and Seekonk, MA chiropractor, shares information on chiropractic treatment options for your neck injury.Chiropractor

What causes neck pain?

Although neck pain can occur if you've been in an accident or suffered a fall, other factors may be to blame for your pain. As you grow older, several conditions can lead to neck pain, such as disc degeneration, arthritis or spinal stenosis, a condition that causes narrowing of the nerve passages in your vertebrae.

Pain can also occur if you spend all day hunched over a desk, or if you have poor posture. Stress often cause the muscles in your neck and shoulders to tighten, but it's not the only muscular source of pain. If your abdominal muscles are weak, your spine becomes misaligned and your head drops forward, putting pressure on your neck.

How can a chiropractor relieve my pain?

Your chiropractor will perform a thorough physical evaluation and spend a little time getting to know you and learning about your pain. He'll want to know about the type of work you do, your hobbies, any past injuries, and other details that will help him develop a diagnosis and create a treatment plan.

Your treatment plan will probably include spinal manipulation, a technique that uses gentle pressure to move your spine back into alignment. Restoring the natural alignment of your spine relieves pain, promotes healing and increases mobility and range of motion. Spinal manipulation may be performed in conjunction with other types of treatment, including massage, ultrasound treatment or electrical stimulation. Your chiropractor may also teach you a series of exercises that will help strengthen your neck muscles and may recommend lifestyle modifications that will help prevent a re-injury.

Contact your Attleboro and Seekonk, MA chiropractor

Do you suffer from neck pain? Find out how chiropractic treatment can improve your symptoms by calling Jason Miller, D.C., your Attleboro and Seekonk, MA, chiropractor, at (508) 226-2333 to make an appointment. Relieve your neck pain with chiropractic care!

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