Eating Disorders and Oral Health

Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia, can have devastating effects on your health, including your teeth.

Anorexia is marked by an extreme restriction on how much is eaten, while bulimia is associated with binging and purging, or vomiting after eating. The effects on teeth and oral hygiene are:

  • Tooth erosion

Caused by stomach acid in vomit and by lack of nutrition, many people who suffer from eating disorders suffer from tooth erosion. Teeth that have eroded might chip easily, appear translucent, and become sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. If enamel has been lost, some restoration techniques include veneers and crowns.

  • Tooth decay

Eating disorders often cause nutritional deficiencies, including calcium. If your body needs calcium and doesn’t have it, it will draw calcium from bones and teeth, possibly leading to tooth decay.

  • Increased risk of infection in the gums

Other nutritional deficiencies caused by eating disorders are a lack of vitamin D and iron, which are necessary to fight infection. Without proper nutrients, there is an increased risk of gum disease.

  • Dry mouth

Highly restrictive eating and frequent vomiting can cause the salivary glands to swell and decrease production. Saliva neutralizes the acid in your mouth and without it, there is an increased risk for tooth decay and infections in the mouth.

Help and support is necessary for recovery, so if you or a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, please let your healthcare provider know.

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Dentist in Raleigh


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-3:00 pm


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What Our Clients Say About Us

  • "Hands down best dentist and hygienist in the triangle. My wife and I both go there - if you have a problem Dr Ashley is going to do her very best to get you in and get you fixed. We love her and her fabulous staff."
    Richard C
  • "DR Lloyd is amazing! I have had two chipped teeth over the past few weeks and she has squeezed me in the same day both times. The most recent one was today which happens to be the day before Christmas Eve. Thank you DR Lloyd!"
    Michael P
  • "Dr. Lloyd and her staff are wonderful. I have always hated to go "the dentist" and therefore put off appointments for years! I am very glad that I decided to trust my teeth and care to this office! They have helped to ease my fear and anxiety and get the job done easily and quickly! I already have my next 6 month appointment made and I will look forward to being there."
    MaryAnn E
  • "Dr. Lloyd and her staff are amazing. I actually look forward to going to the dentist. If you are looking for an outstanding dentist with an excellent staff; look no further, Dr. Lloyd is the best of the best. From cleanings to crowns, it's always a great experience."
    Sandy C