Eliminate Your Dental Stains

Say goodbye to those pesky dental stains! You know, the ones that embarrass you during an interview or make taking a selfie almost impossible. Here at Pinadella Dental in Clifton, NJ, Drs. Anthony Pinadella and Victor Terranova provide patients with professional teeth whitening procedures to improve the look and vitality of their teeth—read on to learn more.

More About Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening lightens teeth up to eight shades in one short visit. This cosmetic procedure is better than over-the-counter whitening products. Although convenient in that you can buy them and apply them at home, they take a long time to show results. We're not talking about an hour or two, but weeks or months.

Also, teeth-whitening kits have ill-fitting and uncomfortable trays. At your dentist's Clifton office, the procedure can be completed in only one appointment. Your dentist uses proper equipment to protect soft tissue, gums, and tongue, from the teeth whitening material.

After placing the retractor in your mouth (the protective gear), your dentist applies a gel containing a strong bleaching material that only a certified and experienced professional can use. It will take 60 to 90 minutes to complete and should last about one to two years or longer.

How long does it last?

How long your smile remains white depends on your dental habits. Avoid eating staining foods, such as blueberries, chewing tobacco, smoking, drinking too much coffee, and drinking without a straw. Be sure that you brush and floss regularly, drink plenty of water to wash away food debris, visit your dentist twice a year, and use fluoride-containing products.

Would you like to contact your dentist?

You should be proud of your smile! Don't let a few stains stand in your way. Call Drs. Anthony Pinadella and Victor Terranova of Pinadella Dental in Clifton, NJ, at (973) 594-1050 for more information.

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Location - Clifton, NJ


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9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm





