
3311 Roosevelt Road

Kenosha, Wisconsin 53142 USA


30 N Michigan Ave, Suite 822

Chicago, IL 60602 US


What Is Gum Rejuvenation?

Find out how gum rejuvenations can reverse receding gums.  

Are you faced with receding gums? Our Chicago, IL, dentist Dr. Felicia Mata can help restore your gums health. Everything from aggressive brushing and genetics to gum disease can lead to receding gum tissue, which in turn can increase your risk for decay, tooth sensitivity and even tooth loss. While gum tissue will not grow back, the good news is that we do offer gum rejuvenation therapy right here in the Loop to help rebuild your gum tissue.

What does gum rejuvenation therapy entail?

Thanks to continuing advancements in dental technology, procedures such as gum rejuvenation are now far less invasive and offer a faster and easier recovery time. The latest form of gum rejuvenation therapy is known as Pinhole® Gum Rejuvenation. This simple procedure can improve the appearance of the gums without incisions, grafts or stitches.

Instead, Pinhole® Gum Rejuvenation involves making a small hole into the gum tissue to loosen it, lift it and then shape it over the receded areas. This is compared to traditional gum recession surgery that involves grafting tissue removed from the roof of the mouth and several weeks of recovery.

How long does the procedure take?

When you come into our dental office here in the Loop for the Pinhole® Gum Rejuvenation procedure, know that it will only take a couple of minutes to treat each tooth. This means that we can treat several teeth in just one session, so you don’t have to take significant time out of your schedule. Plus, we are conveniently located right in downtown Chicago, so you can head back to the office right after.  

What is the recovery process like?

Since we are using more minimally invasive techniques to treat receding gums, you can expect a quick and easy recovery process. In fact, the small hole that we will make in the gums to lift the tissue will not be visible by the next day. You can also go back to your regular routine immediately after. While you may notice a little swelling and discomfort at the treatment sites, this will usually go away in 1-2 days.

Do you have questions about getting gum rejuvenation therapy? If so, our dental team here in the Loop is happy to answer all of your questions. Don’t let receding gums damage your beautiful smile. Call the team at Loop Dental Care at (312) 263-6793 to learn more.

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Loop Dental Care, LLC








9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


10:00 am-4:00 pm

