
3311 Roosevelt Road

Kenosha, Wisconsin 53142 USA


30 N Michigan Ave, Suite 822

Chicago, IL 60602 US


What Is Laser Dentistry?

Lasers help your dentist, Dr. Felicia Mata of Loop Dental Care in Chicago, IL, treat a variety of oral health issues. In fact, laser dentistry offers an innovative way to reduce pain and improve healing.

How laser dentistry works

Lasers not only help doctors perform surgery and smooth wrinkles but are also invaluable in dentistry. Lasers generate a light beam that can be used to remove, cut or reshape tissues. The laser beam is precisely targeted, which allows your dentist to treat a small area without harming surrounding tissue.

Laser light can penetrate a tooth just as effectively as a drill. If your dentist uses a laser to remove tooth decay, you may not even need a local anesthetic for your cavity. Laser dentistry can be an excellent option for children or adults who don't like needles or dental drills.

Laser treatment offers several important benefits for you, including:

  • Reduced pain
  • Less bleeding during and after treatments
  • Decreased swelling
  • Faster healing

When laser treatment is a good option

Laser dentistry can be used to treat many oral health issues. Your dentist will evaluate your particular situation to determine if the laser can be used for your particular problem. During a visit to the Chicago, IL, dental office, your dentist may use a laser to:

  • Detect and treat cavities
  • Reshape gum tissue when placing dental crowns
  • Remove diseased gum tissue if you have gum disease
  • Kill bacteria in teeth undergoing root canal therapy
  • Make uneven gum tissue around teeth more uniform
  • Help stubborn canker and cold sores finally heal
  • Enhance the effects and speed of the teeth whitening process
  • Remove tumors and take samples of tissues for biopsies
  • Eliminate tissue folds that interfere with the proper fit of your dentures
  • Seal tubules, tiny hollow tubes in teeth that can cause sensitivity
  • Remove excess tissue in your throat that may cause sleep apnea symptoms
  • Reshape your gums and reshape tissue if you have a gummy smile

Laser dentistry treatment offers a safe, effective way to treat many dental issues. Call your dentist in Chicago, IL, Dr. Mata of Loop Dental Care at (312) 263-6793 to schedule your appointment.

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Loop Dental Care, LLC








9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


10:00 am-4:00 pm

