
When To See a Podiatrist for Ingrown Toenails

When you are suffering from ingrown toenails in Bedford, Salem, and Roanoke, VA, Dr. Mahmoud Salem and Dr. Christina Davison of Salem Foot and Ankle Specialist provide the treatments required to relieve the pain this condition causes. However, you may not always need the care of a podiatrist. Knowing when to see a podiatrist for ingrown toenails requires a little common sense and the correct information.

What Is an Ingrown Toenail?

When your toenail, usually the big toenail, grows into the skin on the sides of the nail, this is caused an ingrown toenail. This may be hereditary due to the shape of the feet or toes, or it can just be from cutting the nail incorrectly. No matter what the cause, it can make wearing shoes painful.

Many people suffer from ingrown toenails. The first thing to do is to soak your foot in warm water with or without Epsom salts. This will soften your nail and allow you to pull it away from the skin it is growing into. At this time it is good to make sure that you clip your nails straight across to discourage the growth into the skin. This is fine up to a point, but if this isn't enough, a podiatrist visit may be necessary.

You Have Diabetes

If you have diabetes, it is imperative that you take exceptional care of your feet and that includes getting treatment for your ingrown toenails. Diabetes causes neuropathy in the feet, and you may not feel the pain in your toes which is an indication of the seriousness of the condition.

Your Toes Hurt

When your toes are so sore that they are making it difficult to wear shoes and walk, it is time to see your podiatrist. Once the toe gets swollen, hot, or red it may be an indication of something more serious going on.

You Notice Pus

If you notice that pus is coming out of the corner of your nail and your toe feels inflamed or throbbing, you may have an infection, and it is time to get it looked at.

You Have Chronic Ingrown Toenails

If you have suffered from repeated infected, painful ingrown toenails that are disrupting your life a podiatrist can offer a permanent solution to your toe issues. The nail can be partially or totally removed. This cures the problem once and for all.

Contact Dr. Salem and Dr. Davison of Salem Foot and Ankle Specialist when you need help with your ingrown toenails in Bedford, Salem, and Roanoke, VA. To make an appointment call us at (540) 982-0253 for both the Salem and the Bedford offices.

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