
Which Bunion Treatment Is Right for Me?

Drs. Mahmoud Salem and Conrad Claytor of Salem Foot and Ankle Speciailst, Inc. in Salem, VA, and serving Roanoke, VA, have experience treating bunions. They offer state-of-the-art care at their office. Bunions are a deformity in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe. The big toe moves out of place and starts bending towards the rest of the toes. As time goes by, pain, discomfort, irritation and inflammation increase.

Bunions cause other problems when not treated like Hallus Abducto Valgus (the big toe moves towards the second toe), hammertoes, bursitis, arthritis, and corns and calluses.

Bunions occur as a result of flat feet, foot injuries, neuromuscular problems, faulty foot structure and poorly fitted shoes. Luckily, there are several treatment options your Roanoke and Salem podiatrist offers.

Which bunion treatment is right for you?

  • Wearing protective padding in shoes made of felt material to eliminate friction between toes and shoes. This will help alleviate inflammation, skin breakage and remove discomfort.

  • Your podiatrist may remove formed corns and calluses, or provide shoes designed to accommodate the bunion.

  • Orthotic devices, over-the-counter or custom made, support the joint and properly position the foot to ease daily activities, like walking and standing.

  • Exercises can help prevent stiffness or arthritis, and splints worn at night by adolescence properly align the toe and joint.

  • Podiatrists provide surgical treatment as well:

    1. Head procedures treat the joint. In a head procedure, the bone is moved to its proper position and fixed in place with a screw or pin.

    2. Base procedures are for bones near or behind the big toe joint. This is done in several ways: the bone is split and moved to its proper position; a semi-circular cut is made and rotates the bone to correct its position; or the joint is simply fused. Ligaments are also treated during base procedures.

If you have any questions about bunions and the treatment options available at Salem Foot and Ankle Speciailst, Inc., then don't hesitate to call Drs. Mahmoud Salem and Conrad Claytor in Roanoke and Salem, VA, at (540) 982-0253 today!

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