
Causes Of Ingrown Toenails And How We Can Help

Ingrown toenails occur when the edges of your toenail grow into the surrounding skin. Ingrown toenails are most likely to happen in the big toe. Dr. Mahmoud Salem of Salem Foot and Ankle Specialists offers effective treatment for ingrown toenails in our Salem, VA, office, located just outside Roanoke, VA, and our Bedford, VA, office.

What are the possible causes of ingrown toenails?

Cutting the toenails incorrectly, wearing tight improper footwear, and having a toenail injury, are the most common causes of ingrown toenails. Also, not maintaining proper foot hygiene practices will increase the risk for this disease. Cleaning your feet daily and drying them well are needed to keep your feet healthy and clean. In some cases, ingrown toenails may appear due to genetic factors.

What are the symptoms of ingrown toenails?

The following symptoms are the most commonly seen ones:

  • Tenderness and swelling in the area surrounding the nail
  • A painful sensation when you press on the toe
  • Fluid accumulation in the affected toe
  • Pus which can be present in the advanced stages of the disease 

Treat your ingrown toenail immediately to make the cure easy and prevent the occurrence of complications. In Salem Foot and Ankle Specialists, we will evaluate your foot and provide the best treatment for your ingrown toenails in our Salem, VA, office just outside Roanoke, VA, and our Bedford, VA, office.

Treatment measures 

As long as you don’t have an infection in the toe, home treatments can be effective. Soaking your foot in water and gently massaging the side of the nail fold will help reduce the inflammation. If your symptoms haven’t improved with home treatments, then you must see your podiatrist. After doing the needed examinations and diagnosing your case, your podiatrist will decide the best treatment option for your case. If an infection is present, Dr. Salem will probably prescribe an oral antibiotic. In advanced stages, your podiatrist may perform minor surgery to remove the offending nail. 

Contact us 

End your suffering from ingrown toenails today. Visit Dr. Salem of Salem Foot and Ankle Specialists to get the best treatment for your ingrown toenails in our Salem, VA, office just outside Roanoke, VA, or our office in Bedford, VA. Call (540) 982-0253 to book your appointment.

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