
When is Bunion Surgery Necessary?

Bunions are a foot deformity that occurs at the base of the big toe and appears as a large bump on the side of the foot. A bunion changes the structure of the foot and can cause pain and irritation. There are people who may have bunions and experience no issues, but if your bunions cause you pain and frustration, it may be time to talk about whether you need bunion surgery. Dr. Mahmoud Salem at Salem Foot and Ankle Specialists in Salem and Bedford, VA, can explain how to treat your bunions and when surgery may be needed.

Dealing with Bunions

There are people who may never experience any issues with their bunions and can go without any treatments or interventions. However, many people might deal with irritation from bunions rubbing against shoes or pain after standing for long periods of time.

Your podiatrist will first recommend non-invasive, conservative methods for dealing with your bunions. Common forms of treatment may be putting pads on the sides of the feet, wearing fitted and comfortable shoes, and taking medications for inflammation. Your doctor might also recommend icing your foot throughout the day and resting it when possible. You can also try orthotic devices to deal with arch issues. This can help ease some of the pain that comes with bunions.

If conservative methods don’t seem to work, your podiatrist in Salem and Bedford, VA, might recommend getting surgery for your bunions. During surgery, your bunion will be shaved down, and your foot may be adjusted to a proper structure. Surgery is usually a last effort and is only done for severe cases.

Contact Your Podiatrist Today!

Find out if you’re in need of bunion surgery. Contact Dr. Mahmoud Salem at Salem Foot and Ankle Specialists in Salem and Bedford, VA, to learn about bunions and if surgery is necessary. Call for more information today at (540) 982-0253.

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