When Should You Screen for Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition that affects communication, behavior, and social interactions. Early identification and intervention are crucial for helping children with autism reach their full potential. But when should you screen your child for autism? Your providers at Caring Hands Medical Clinics in Meadville and Monticello, MS, can explain when your child should be screened for autism so that they can get the care that they may need.

Screening Your Child for Autism

Pediatricians often use developmental milestones to monitor a child's growth and development. These milestones include language, social skills, and motor abilities. While each child develops at their own pace, certain delays may warrant further investigation. It’s important to talk to your pediatrician in Meadville and Monticello, MS, to ensure autism is being detected when certain developmental delays occur. Common delays to look for include:

  • By 6 months: limited eye contact or lack of smiles or joyful expressions.
  • By 9 months: no back-and-forth sharing of sounds, smiles, or facial expressions.
  • By 12 months: lack of response to their name or absence of babbling.
  • By 16 months: no spoken words.
  • By 24 months: no meaningful two-word phrases.

If your child struggles in social interactions and communication, this could be a sign of autism. Symptoms can vary in severity, but getting help early can get your child an early screening and the accommodations they may need.

Most pediatricians recommend that all children be screened for developmental delays and disabilities during regular well-child visits at 9, 18, and 30 months. Specifically, screening for autism should be done at 18 and 24 months. These screenings typically involve standardized questionnaires and checklists that help identify potential signs of autism.

Contact Our Pediatrician Today

Make sure your child is getting the care that they need! Contact your providers at Caring Hands Medical Clinics in Meadville and Monticello, MS, to learn more about autism and when screenings are needed. Call for more information today at (601) 384-1646 for the office in Meadville, MS, and (601) 587-4304 for the offices in Monticello, MS.

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