And So It Begins...

And so it begins…the holidays are rapidly approaching and in the blink of an eye we will be counting down to the first minute of a brand new year. Between Thanksgiving, holiday parties, holiday shopping, traditional feast preparations, and family visits or visits to the family; and then throw in work and your regular responsibilities and you’re in a full-blown holiday hustle for the next two months. It is important though to make time to take care of yourself and your health.

We tend to eat more than we normally do, exercise less and fall out of our healthy routines, spend more money than we should, and overexert and exhaust ourselves by RSVP-ing “yes” to everything. We also tend to make resolutions for the new year at New Year’s Eve and then never really follow through with them.

We make these pseudo promises to ourselves to lose weight, eat healthier, drink less, exercise more, et cetera. But then two months before we attempt these changes, we gain weight, over indulge in holiday treats, drink more alcohol, and skip out on our exercise routines, which in the end makes the new year and those resolutions so much harder to start and stick to.

Let’s make this year different! Let’s take a more mindful approach to the holiday season. While Christmas music can come too soon, taking care of your mind and body is best sooner rather than later. When you take care of yourself, everything else will fall into place. There is nothing more important than your health and the health of your family.

For the next two months, we would like to take this mindful holiday journey with you and share with you ideas, inspiration, and advice for making this holiday season a healthy and happy one. At Parker Dentistry Facial Rejuvenation and Wellness, we are more than just a dental practice, but we obviously want to see you and are going to start this series off with 7 motivating reasons why you should come visit us before the end of the year. Stay tuned!

Thank you for sharing a smile with us this week.

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3411 Johnson Street Hollywood, FL 33021

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Cosmetic Dentist in Hollywood, FL


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm



