Are You Keeping Good Oral Hygiene Habits

Like most routines and healthy habits, your oral hygiene regimen may be on autopilot, something you do automatically every day but givelittle to no thought to from day to day. But even if you cover the basics, you may be missing out on some important elements that can also affect your smile and oral health. The dentists at Parker Dentistry in Hollywood, FL, recommend that everyone take a proactive role in their oral health, starting with becoming familiar with oral hygiene best practices at home.

Cosmetic and General Dentistry in Hollywood, FL

Most people are familiar with the two most important elements of a solid oral hygiene routine: brushing and flossing. If you're already brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing (once a day at any time that works best for you is OK), you're already ahead of the game. But another important element of a comprehensive oral hygiene routine is going to the dentist every six months as recommended by the American Dental Association (ADA) for a checkup and professional cleaning.

Many people mistakenly believe that brushing and flossing is enough to maintain healthy teeth and gums, skipping the dentist until something goes wrong. But the fact is that oral hygiene at home and regular dental care work hand in hand. A professional cleaning picks up where your toothbrush leaves off, clearing your teeth and gums of any plaque or tartar buildup before it has a chance to do any real damage.

Additional Tips for Keeping Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

Eat a healthy diet - in addition to limiting your sugar intake to prevent tooth decay, eating green vegetables like broccoli will deliver essential vitamins and nutrients for a healthy body and teeth, and keep the saliva flowing to keep bacteria from setting up shop between meals

Toothbrush maintenance - discard your old toothbrush every few months or when the bristles start to look worn down

Drink enough water - staying hydrated is as important for healthy teeth and gums as it is for the body

Say no to tobacco - smoking does not just cause cosmetic damage to your teeth, it will also harm your oral health

Find a Dentist in Hollywood, FL

For more information about tooth decay and gum disease prevention, contact Parker Dentistry by calling (954) 983-5450 to schedule an appointment with a dentist today.

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3411 Johnson Street Hollywood, FL 33021

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Cosmetic Dentist in Hollywood, FL


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