Deepak Chopra's 10th Key to Happiness

“Understand that the physical world is just a mirror of a deeper intelligence. Intelligence is the invisible organizer of all matter and energy, and since a portion of this intelligence reside in you, you share in the organizing power of the cosmos. Because you are inseparably linked to everything, you cannot afford to foul the planet’s air and water. But at a deeper level, you cannot afford to live with a toxic mind, because every thought makes an impression on the whole field of intelligence. Living in balance and purity is the highest good for you and the Earth.” Deepak Chopra

We are all interconnected. Every living and nonliving entity on this planet is connected through a deep and invisible web that is as old as the origin of the infinite universe. It is this connection that gives each and every one of us the power to influence everything, for better or for worse. Our thoughts, attitudes, energies, and actions, regardless of how small or grand, carry a force with them. It is our responsibility to make sure that that force, that ripple effect that stems from each of us, is a positive one.

The way we treat one another, our animal friends, our Mother Earth, and ourselves deeply impacts everyone and everything. The choice is always ours. When we live our lives with positive intentions, open hearts, and flexible minds, we are making the world a better place for everyone and everything. When we are environmentally conscious when making decisions of what we eat, how we build, the products we use, the way we transport, and the overall impact of our ecological footprints, we are making the world a better place for everyone and everything.

 It is about decisions and making decision knowing that every single one impacts everyone and everything. This idea ties back into living mindfully. It is not about overanalyzing everything that you do, but just being mindful. Mindful living takes practice and no one is perfect, but when you practice mindfulness it will eventually become mindless. As intelligent beings of intelligent design, we are capable of collectively changing the design of the world of today. The mind is a very power thing; let’s use that power for the highest good and for all. 

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