Deepak Chopra's 6th Key to Happiness

“The people you react to most strongly, whether with love or hate, are projections of your inner world. What you most hate is what you most deny in yourself. What you most love is what you most wish for in yourself. Use the mirror of relationships to guide your evolution. The goal is total self-knowledge. When you achieve that, what you most want will automatically be there, and what you most dislike will disappear.” Deepak Chopra

Misery loves company. Jealousy loves another jealous ear. Nothing good comes from hate. We project our own insecurities, desires, disappointments, and failures by superficially judging and dismissing others. These deep-rooted reasons why we feel aversions to certain people are standing in the way of our true happiness potential. Why do we worry so much about what other people are doing, what other people have, what other people believe in, and what other people look like?

If we were all the same, the world would be terribly dull. Our diversity shouldn’t cause us to project hate, but rather open-minded and curious inquisition. We can learn something from one another. Our individual efforts and accomplishments are what has created the good side of the world and has the power to shape the volatile and hate-fueled side. When we stop hating ourselves, we will stop projecting hate onto others. Love is everything. Self-love is not only important for the self, but for the world.

Sometimes the hardest person to confront face to face is yourself. However, it is when we truly look within ourselves that we are capable of making vast discoveries about the person that we are, we want to be, and that we are capable of being. The focus should be inward and not outward. The goal of total self-knowledge is accomplishable when we decide to accomplish it. The energy spent wishing or wanting to be someone else, look like someone else, have what someone else has, is only inhibiting your true happiness.

Eliminate hate from within, never project it outwardly onto others, and exchange the negative for the lightness of love. Happiness will follow. 

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