Every Age is a Great Age

We live in a society that has somehow managed to make aging a sort of faux pas. Youthfulness is a highly coveted and sought after prize. The result of this skin level obsession has led some to take extreme measures because they were unaware of or turned off from the concept of "aging gracefully." We have all seen those people that look as if they are made entirely out of plastic, and while what you do to you body is entirely your choice, it should be known that there are countless options, resources, and lifestyle changes that can prolong or eliminate one's desire to take those essentially irreversible and costly measures.

You are the only one who has to look at yourself in the mirror each morning. Why not look at yourself and smile? It is human nature to find flaws in the self, and it is how one deals with those "flaws" that ultimately defines their image. On a daily basis we are bombarded with all different forms of media and advertisements promoting the sale of products and services that can erase time or photoshopped images of people who have supposedly discovered the fountain of youth in one way or another. No wonder it has become a common belief that you should look at least ten years younger than you really are.

"Youth. I don't seek it through another because I have it within; it's a state of mind, a spirit that is free, and a mind that is playful. The shell of my being is altered by the effects of time, but nothing will tarnish a soul that will never forget what it’s like to experience creation with endless wonder and appreciation. " - Donna Lynn Hope (author)

"There is a fountain of youth; it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source you will have truly defeated age."  -Sophia Loren (actress)

Age is but a number, a mere state of mind. However, there is nothing wrong with wanting to age gracefully and look the way you feel on the inside. There are numerous ways to accomplish this and the options range from simple daily choices to small noninvasive techniques. Parker Wellness has the knowledge, experience, techniques, services, and products to help you look and feel your best. We will be taking a closer look over the next several weeks at lifestyle choices and changes, diet and supplements, cosmetics and products, Invisalign, whitening options, and fillers and Botox. The more you know, the better you are suited to make the best personal decisions.

Aging is inevitable, but it should be a journey you look forward to experiencing because really the other option is not so great! Life is about choices, and you have the choice at any point to start taking the best care yourself so that you can enjoy your journey. It is our goal at Parker Wellness to give you the resources and tools to help you accomplish this level of self care. We are in this journey together!

Thank you for sharing a smile with us this week! 

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Cosmetic Dentist in Hollywood, FL


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