Follow the Sun to Joy: Light and Nature Therapy

Close your eyes, and imagine walking barefoot down a cool dirt path that is canopied by ancient trees that whisper wisdom that you might not have known you were seeking. The air is dense with the perfume of the earth and the cacophonous sound of birds, morning cicadas, and leaves touching their neighbors. The sun shines down through the cracks in the canopy, creating a hazy glow that is warm and inviting. As you walk, you make it a point to step into the sunbeams. Imagine doing this every day.

Stepping out into the sunlight and finding a moment to spend with nature are two of the most naturally therapeutic indulgences that you should grant yourself on a daily basis, even if just for 30 minutes. For a lot of us, we find ourselves confined to the indoors more often than we find ourselves outside. We have jobs, homes, families, exercise classes, and errands to attend to. We travel inside a car, bus, subway, or plane more often than we walk or bike. Artificial light, controlled temperatures, and barriers against the elements surround us.

“Light therapy is the natural process by which bright light enters the eye, travels to the pineal gland, and alters one’s brain chemistry. It creates a more uplifted state of well-being by greatly elevating levels of serotonin and dopamine, which are energizing and activating.” —Hana Matt

Regardless of where you live, there are so many opportunities to engage with nature through the energy of the sun. You might find this invaluable time together on the beach, on a hiking trail, in a park, in your backyard, on a bench underneath a tree, or in a courtyard where you take a break from work—the possibilities are endless. Whether you are a city dweller, a suburban citizen, or an off-the-grid resident, you can find nature's voice and the sun's rejuvenating embrace openly offering their healing properties to you. You just have to be open to receiving them.

Henry David Thoreau once said, “I took a walk in the trees and came out taller than the trees.” When you allow yourself to return to the roots of our ancestors, who lived within nature under the sun rather than on top of her, you will find that there is a deep primordial bond that connects you to the earth. When you connect with nature, your light becomes more accessible.

Spending thirty minutes a day outside is an opportunity to reconnect with yourself, quiet your mind, listen to your inner voice, and let a peaceful joy shine through you. It is easy to forget to take these types of moments. Taking some time outside in the light of the day each day will have joyous consequences.

Don’t forget to wear sunscreen!

Thanks for sharing a smile with us this week.

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