Healthy Habits for a Healthier Today

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, the small positive changes that you make in your life can have the biggest effect on your health and wellness. At Parker Dentistry Facial Rejuvenation and Wellness, we are more than just a family dentist. We want to promote healthy lifestyle choices so that all of our patients can live a life that is full of good health and abundant happiness. It’s truly amazing how so many factors play into our health and wellness, including oral health and oral hygiene practices. As a family dentist that is focused on overall health, we thought in honor of National Nutrition Month, we would offer a few healthy habit tips that can change your life for the better.

  1. Drink less soda and more water. There are zero health benefits gained from drinking soda or other artificial sugary drinks. In fact, regular consumption of sugary beverages can cause weight gain, tooth decay, diabetes, and other health aliments. If water tastes boring to you, try adding fresh fruit, cucumbers, ginger, or mint for a healthy twist.
  2. Eat real food. If you can’t pronounce or don’t know what the ingredients listed on the food you are about to consume are, you shouldn’t eat it.
  3. Start taking Juice Plus+. The benefits of taking Juice Plus+ everyday are extraordinary. This whole food nutrition is an incredible addition to your everyday diet and routine. Talk to Blake or Honi if you are interested in learning more. Juice Plus+ is something the entire Parker family truly believes in and has been taking for over a decade. The proof is in the research and in the health of our family.
  4. Brush your tongue. While brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day is critical for keeping a healthy smile and preventing tooth decay and gum disease, brushing your tongue is another important step you need to add to your oral hygiene routine. The back of your tongue hosts a lot of bacteria that is not removed when you just brush and floss. A healthy mouth helps promote a healthy body.
  5. Wear sunscreen year around. The sun shines down harmful rays all year long. Even if you aren’t in your bathing suit at the beach, your skin can still be damaged from short bursts of time out in the sun. Look for products that contain sunscreen, such as moisturizers, foundations, powders, chap stick, lip gloss, and even just a light every day sunscreen to ward off early signs of aging and an increased risk of skin cancer.
  6. Get more sleep. Your body needs seven to eight hours of sleep every night in order to repair and perform necessary bodily functions. Treat yourself to a sufficient sleep.
  7. Take a break from screens. We spend more time looking at our computers, phones, tablets, television, and other devices than we ever have before. It is a habit that needs to be broken. Too much time staring at a screen has been linked to eye problems, sleep issues, and even mood disorders. Give your eyes a break every once in a while, and spend your leisurely time doing something better for your health and happiness.
  8. Spend more time with the people whom you love. Spending time with people who are positive, kind, loving, and supportive actually contributes to your health and wellness. Making time for the people who bring the most joy into your life is an effort you should never fail to make.
  9. Move more. The more you move the better you will feel. Engaging in as little as 30 minutes of physical activity a day can make a world of a difference in your overall health. A sedentary lifestyle is one that promotes health maladies. Get your blood flowing, your heart pumping, and your muscles moving for a healthier tomorrow! 

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