Let's Get Juicy about Juice Plus+

We are expected to go above and beyond in our careers, take care of our families and friends, pay the protracted list of bills every month, plan ahead for our futures, deal with unanticipated circumstances, maintain relationships, conquer to-do lists, and somewhere in there have a little fun too. We are busy people! However, in order to sustain the lives we have created for ourselves, it is inordinately important that we are also healthy people. So add that to the list too: heed a healthy lifestyle.

For a lot of us, that is often easier said than done. A healthy lifestyle is made up of several basic components that alter in their specificity depending on age, sex, body type, weight, physical activity level, and other individual concerns. In order to promote this lifestyle, we must eat a nutritional and well balanced diet, exercise regularly, and be mindful of our emotional needs. So really, this is adding three things to the list. Don’t get overwhelmed though! You might be surprised to learn that little changes can make monumental differences. One little change you can make with very minimal effort is incorporating Juice Plus+ into your daily regiment.

According to their website, www.parker.juiceplus.com, which is filled with invaluable information, “Juice Plus+ is whole food based nutrition, including juice powder concentrates from 30 different fruits, vegetables and grains. Juice Plus+ helps bridge the gap between what you should eat and what you do eat every day. Not a multivitamin, medicine, treatment or cure for any disease, Juice Plus+ is made from quality ingredients carefully monitored from farm to capsule to provide natural nutrients your body needs to be at its best.” Juice Plus+ is a company that Parker Dentistry Facial Rejuvenation and Wellness fully stands behind and represents. Honi has been a Juice Plus+ representative for twenty-one years and is always willing to share her wealth of information regarding the product and how to get started.

What are the 30 Juice Plus+ fruits, vegetables, and grains that you could be ingesting daily in a matter of seconds and for a fraction of the cost of what you would spend in time and money to make sure all of those nutrition-bursting foods made in into your routine diet?

Apple, Acerola Cherry, Beet, Cranberry, Date, Orange, Pineapple, Papaya, Peach, Prune, Broccoli, Brown Rice Bran, Cabbage, Carrot, Garlic, Kale, Oat Bran, Parsley, Spinach, Tomato, Artichoke, Bilberry, Blackberry, Black Currant, Blueberry, Cocoa, Concord Grapes, Elderberry, Pomegranate, Raspberry

Looks like a juicy kaleidoscopic rainbow to me! Your body will thank you graciously. Surprisingly, it hasn’t been fully accepted that what you put into your body plays a significant role in your body’s ability to fight and prevent major health complications, such as heart disease, multiple types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney stones, and bone loss among so many other types of maladies. Diet is dominant player in our overall health and wellbeing. It contributes to the health of our insides and outs. As serious as it is, it doesn’t have to be something that consumes you. It can be easy and Juice Plus+ can help make it a little easier.

Dr. Blake Parker has been taking Juice Plus+ for the past fifteen years. He said he truly realized the power of the product when he was a freshman living in the dorms at the University of Florida. During flu season, he was the only student out of the forty living on his same floor that didn’t have to miss any classes due to being sick. In the fifteen years that he has been taking Juice Plus+, he has only been sick once! With a background in nutrition, he also realizes the importance of these thirty fruits, vegetables, and grains that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. While he is a health conscious eater and a pretty impressive chef, he knows he would never be able to fit all of those powerhouse foods into his everyday diet.

It’s when we don’t have our health that we realize how surely paramount it is. We are meant to do great things with our lives and greatness doesn’t typically happen when we are sick or not performing at our best. While some things are out of our control, your diet is something that you can make the conscious decision and effort to be active and present in what you put into your body. Remember, you only get one body, and Parker Wellness is here to help you learn how to take care of it.

Thanks for sharing a smile with us this week! Stay turned next week as we continue with nutrition as it relates to healthy gums and teeth

Don’t forget to answer the question of the month for June that was posted on our Facebook page this week. 

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