Tips for Lessening Stress This Holiday Season Part 2

We’ve celebrated eight candle lit days of Hanukkah, you’ve probably been to at least one holiday gala so far, and now we are counting down to Christmas and the start of the New Year. Hopefully your holiday season has been low stress and joyous, so far. Here are a few more tips to help you wrap up this year healthy, happy, energized, and productive.

Don’t forget in the midst of holiday parties, shopping, baking, feast preparations, and regular obligations to:

5. Exercise. Exercising is a great way to beat stress. When you get your blood pumping, you release endorphins, which have a positive effect on your mood and stress levels. Exercising is also a good excuse to take some time for you. A third benefit to exercising is that you will be more likely to keep that holiday weight off, so that you can start your new year feeling your best.

6. Stay hydrated. During the holiday season, we tend to drink more alcohol as we celebrate with friends and family. There is nothing wrong with a little celebration, however be mindful that alcohol dehydrates you and causes your liver to work overtime to detoxify. Drinking sufficient water will help keep you hydrated, will help your body flush out toxins, and will also help keep your appetite in check.

7. Sleep. Sleep is incredibly important! When you sleep your body performs important functions to help you prepare for the next day. Sleep is vital for your mental and physical health. Adequate sleep is a huge component of your overall wellness. Sleeping is necessary for your immune system, for hormone balance, and for your memory and brain function, among several other key operations. If you want to be productive, energized, and healthy, you need to regulate your sleep. Go ahead and push that snooze button! Go ahead and take a nap! Go ahead and go to sleep early!

8. Load up on healthy, vitamin rich food. It is almost inevitable that at some point this holiday season you will find that you are feeling a little worn down. This could be because you have been celebrating a little too much, working a lot, juggling too many responsibilities, traveling, dealing with crowds of people, or just not taking enough time for yourself. It’s ok, it happens, but one of the best ways to help support our bodies and all that they do for us, is to ensure that we are getting enough vitamins and antioxidants. Loading up on healthy fruit, vegetable, and protein options in the midst of all of the glorious and delicious holidays treats is crucial to maintaining a healthy balance.

9. Don’t forget your JuicePlus. You will really notice the benefits of JuicePlus when you find yourself in hustle and bustle of the holidays. If you haven’t incorporated JuicePlus into your life yet, there is no time like the present to start. Just talk to Honi or Dr. Blake!

We hope that these tips have served you well. Don’t lose sight of what the holidays are really about. Don’t forget to take a step back and really enjoy this time of year with friends and family. The memories we create are more valuable and permanent than any material item. Take a deep breathe, smile, and enjoy this beautiful time of year.

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