Super Easy Tips for Staying Fit This Holiday Season

Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day a lot of us will gain a few extra pounds. We will start the New Year with one of the same resolutions that we make every year; lose the holiday weight. Why not start off this next year with a fresh resolution that doesn’t involve the weight you put on the last month of the year?

Overeating and lack of exercise are the obvious culprits. Overeating and lack of exercise are also to blame for increased levels of fatigue and stress that often sneak their way into this joyous time of the year. The holidays can be celebratory without ruining the hard work you put into your health all year.

The number one tip is to not skip out on your regular fitness routine. Don’t make the excuse that you don’t have enough time to workout because you have holiday priorities; i.e. parties, shopping, gift wrapping, decorating, and cooking. 

While you might be a bit more crunched for time with the additional responsibilities that come with the season, it is important to always make time for you. It is totally fine to modify your regular routine, as long as you keep moving. The more active you are, the more energy you will have too.

You can also get creative with your fitness during the holiday season by trying out some of these fun ideas:

  1. Bike or walk around your neighborhood to check out all of the holiday decorations instead of driving.
  2. Engage your family and friends in games and activities like touch football, a snowball fight (for those living up north), paddleboarding or kayaking (Florida winter is so lovely for these activities), or a yoga class. Tis’ the season to be together! 
  3. Be the super cool grandparent, aunt/uncle, cousin, or parent who runs around and plays made up games with the little ones in the group. You will definitely burn some calories keeping up with those high-energy kids.
  4. Put some pep in your step when you are doing your holiday shopping and always take the stairs to get some extra steps in.

The key is to keep moving. The more you move the more your metabolism moves. The more you move the more calories you burn and the less those delicious indulgences will affect your waistline. Prioritize wellness and fitness this holiday season and you will start off the New Year on a healthy and happy foot forward. 

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