Tis' the Season

“Learn to enjoy every minute of life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored. “ -Earl Nightingale

The holiday season tends to bring with it an array of emotions like joy, excitement, festivity, stress, anxiety, and fatigue, as well as social and familial obligations, extensive planning and prepping, and financial burdens. It is easy to get caught up in the not-so-jubilant side of the holidays, especially when holiday priorities get a bit mixed up.

What’s the true meaning of the holidays? It is really all about presents and the obligatory parties? It’s important to take a moment before the calendar clocks in at December 1, to really think about what you really want this month to be like. This time of the year shouldn’t be one that brings on emotional and financial anxiety, heavy bouts of fatigue, a bah humbug attitude, or in-concrete commitments to every single holiday gathering. This time of the year should be one of joyous celebration and lightheartedness.

It’s all about priorities. What brings you the most joy during this month? Is it baking traditional holiday cookies like you did when you were a child? Is it walking around the neighborhood and looking at all the Christmas lights? Is it getting together with your closest friends and family for eight nights in a row? Is it that first cup of coffee on Christmas morning and waiting for your children to come unwrap that one present they’ve wanted all year long? Is it putting on a sparkling dress and toasting to a brand new year with the people who are most important in your life?

Our traditions and beliefs are all different, but it is those traditions and beliefs that make this time of the year so special. Remember why you celebrate. Make time for the traditions that mean the most to you. Make time for the people who bring light and love into your life. The holidays are about “rejoicing with your family in the beautiful land of life,” as Albert Einstein once said.

This month we will be offering a series on “how to survive the holiday season” with tips on staying active, eating healthy, reducing stress, and enjoying this glorious month to the fullest.

Thanks for sharing a smile with us today! 

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