Trend 5: To Eat or Not to Eat

Intermittent fasting is not a diet, but rather a pattern of eating. It is an eating pattern that alternates between periods of eating and periods of not eating. While this approach to eating has recently gained popularity, it is not actually a new methodology. Back when we were hunter-gathers, it was not uncommon to go without food for several days. Because of this way of life in our human history, our bodies are actually perfectly adapted to function without consuming three meals a day every day.

In fact, through extensive studies it has been proven that patterned eating is actually very beneficial to multiple functions in the body. While intermittent fasting has helped people lose weight, especially belly fat, it also supports the body’s ability to repair, heal, and protect itself against chronic diseases and detrimental ailments.

There are multiple styles of intermittent fasting and the right one is the one that you feel best doing. The three most popular methods of intermittent fasting are:

The 16/8 Method: This method involves 16 hours of fasting accompanied by an 8-hour eating period. This is the most popular and easiest intermittent fasting method. If you eat your last meal at 6PM, you wouldn’t eat again until 10AM the next day.

Eat-Stop-Eat Method: This method involves 24-hours of fasting once or twice a week and the rest of the days eating regularly.

The 5:2 Method: This method involves eating regularly five days a week and two days a week only eating 500-600 calories.

Intermittent fasting is not another name for self-inflicted starvation, it is just tapping back into the way that our species used to eat. Intermittent fasting doesn’t have any dietary restrictions other than when you can eat. This approach is not for everyone in the same way that specific types of diets aren’t for everyone, but it is definitely worth a shot. Giving our bodies brief breaks from breaking down and processing food gives our bodies the chance to focus on other important functions such as cellular repair and detoxification.

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