Trend 7: Priorities Have Shifted and Sleep is Reigning Supreme

If there is one thing that you are going to make a personal priority from this moment on it should be sleep. Not only is it important to get enough sleep every night, it is equally as important to get quality sleep every night. Sleep science, technology, and aidstrended high on the charts in 2018. 

This is a trend that is likely to hold its ground as more and more of us are realizing the immense value sufficient sleep has to our health, wellness, and quite honestly, all components of our lives. Are you getting enough sleep? 

Regular sleep deprivation has been linked to

Weight gain and obesity



Hormonal imbalance

Emotional instability

Type 2 diabetes

Cardiovascular disease

Lapses in neurological functions, such as concentration and coordination

A weakened immune system

High blood pressure

Skin issues 

Regular sleep sufficiency has been linked to

Increased productivity

Sharper mind and memory

More positive mood

More energy

Regulated metabolism and appetite

Improved quality of life


Less inflammation in the body

Lower stress levels

Better relationships 

Too much sleep can be detrimental to your health, mood, and wellness, as well. The sweet spot is right around eight hour of sleep each and every night. If you are not regularly getting eight hours of sleep or are regularly sleeping significantly more than eight hour a night, it might time to look at your sleep environment and sleep habits. 

The most common things that are keeping us up at night are screens and an over-active future-thinking mind. Here are some helpful tips to create the most ideal and dreamy sleep environment and simple ways to improve the quality of your sleep. 

Tip 1: Keep screens out of the bedroom. This means when you enter the bedroom, your phone, tablet, or laptop does not. Treat your bedroom as a technology-free sleep sanctuary. 

Tip 2: Make a to-do list before you get into bed so that you aren’t making that list in your head while you are in bed.  

Tip 3: Invest in the perfect mattress and bed accessories (pillows, sheets, blankets, etc.) We are living in the golden age of choices! Whatever your mattress preference and budget is, that mattress is out there. There are even digital and “smart” beds where you can customize, set, and adjust everything from firmness to temperature. 

Investing is a sleep-inspiring bed is one of the best investments that you can make for yourself. 

Tip 4: Try aromatherapy. Scents like lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus all help promote rest and relaxation. 

Tip 5: Turn on a noise machine. Sometimes a little white noise or subtle sounds of waves or rain can help you drift into dreamland. 

Tip 6: Enjoy a cup of caffeine-free tea like chamomile or sleepy time tea. 

Tip 7: Instead of watching television before bed, try reading. 

Tip 8: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. 

Tip 9: Exercise. Regular exercise helps promote better and deeper sleep. 

Tip 10: Practice gentle or restorative yoga in the evening. 

If you want to be the best and healthiest you, you must allow your body and mind to rest soundly every night. Supplements like melatonin and CBD have also been proven to help you obtain optimal sleep, if you need a little extra help. 

Now, make yourself a cup of tea, grab a good book, and tuck yourself into a comfy bed! 

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