The Benefits of Veneers

A beautiful smile is a wonderful personal asset. However, if you have stains, cracks, gaps, or other flaws, your confidence diminishes. At Parker Dentistry in Hollywood, FL, your cosmetic dentists, Dr. Stephen Parker and Dr. Blake Parker, use porcelain veneers to create smiles that dazzle. Learn more about this cosmetic dentistry treatment.

Veneers cover many flaws

Your oral health is more important than how your smile looks. However, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) reveals that people notice your smile first and perceive whom you are based on its appearance. So, stained, cracked, chipped or gapped teeth create a negative first impression before you say a word.

Porcelain veneers created by your Hollywood, FL, the dentist can change all that. Veneers are thin laminates which cover the front of healthy, but flawed, front teeth. Custom-created according to your preferences and Dr. Parker's expertise, veneers:

  • Disguise dark stains
  • Span small gaps
  • Smooth mild crookedness
  • Camouflage pits, craze, and irregularities in size and shape

Some people refer to veneers as instant orthodontics because they give the appearance of a straight smile without the complexities of wearing traditional braces or clear aligners.

Are veneers right for you?

To answer that, we recommend a cosmetic dentistry consultation with either one of our dentists at our Hollywood, FL, office. Come prepared with the smile changes you'd like to achieve.

For instance, would you like to even your smile line? Are one or two teeth prominent because of their dull surface texture and dark color? Express your concerns to Dr. Parker, and he'll examine your teeth, take photos and other kinds of imaging and tell you what's possible.

Receiving porcelain veneers

If veneers are the correct option, expect to spend an additional two visits at Parker Dentistry. To create and place veneers, Dr. Parker will take oral impressions and remove a small amount of enamel from each tooth. This surface reduction permits the veneers to function comfortably in your mouth. Plus, as you wait for your permanent veneers, you will wear temporary ones so your smile looks and feels normal.

At your next visit, your dentist will remove those transitional laminates and use a permanent cement to bond on the new veneers. Because they are custom-crafted for your unique needs, veneers cause little to no dental or gingival (gum sensitivity). You'll acclimate to them quickly and find them easy to care for. Your careful brushing and flossing are essential as are six-month cleanings and check-ups at Parker Dentistry.

Veneer benefits

  1. They resist chips and stains.
  2. Veneers strengthen and enhance the appearance of the selected teeth.
  3. They require less enamel reduction than crowns but still add a great measure of durability to each tooth.
  4. Porcelain veneers stay in place and look great for ten years or more.

Your dazzling smile

Achieve it with porcelain veneers from Parker Dentistry in Hollywood, FL. Dr. Blake Parker and Dr. Stephen Parker will amaze you with their creativity and hands-on skill. Contact us for a consultation: (954) 983-5450.

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3411 Johnson Street Hollywood, FL 33021

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Cosmetic Dentist in Hollywood, FL


8:00 am-5:00 pm


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8:00 am-5:00 pm


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8:00 am-12:00 pm



