Bunions Causes And Treatment

If you haven’t heard of bunions before, bunions are a bone deformity that appears as a bump on the side of the foot at the base of the big toe. Bunions are most often caused with issues in the arch of your foot and it’s important that if you experience irritation or pain from your bunions that you’re able to get treatment so that you can start feeling comfortable in your daily life again. Dr. Trinity Mereau and Dr. Steven Walters at Capital Foot & Ankle Surgeons of Austin in Austin, TX, can explain some common causes of bunions and how they can be treated.

What Causes Bunions?

Bunions are caused by issues in the arch. This could be that you have an irregularly high arch or a low arch. These issues cause the bones to deform and bunions to develop. Bunions can also be exacerbated by things like wearing shoes that are too tight around the toes.

You may experience issues like irritation after the bunions rub against the side of the shoe and numbness that occurs after wearing shoes that are tight around the toes. You may also experience symptoms most commonly after being on your feet for a prolonged period of time.

How Are Bunions Treated?

Bunions are typically treated with conservative methods at first. Your podiatrist in Austin, TX, will examine your bunions and recommend some changes you can make to ease pain. This could be wearing comfortable and properly fitting shoes, icing the feet several times throughout the day, wearing custom orthotics in your shoes, and using over-the-counter medications to ease inflammation.

In severe cases, when conservative methods don’t seem to help, surgery may be needed.

Contact Your Podiatrist Today!

Don’t let your bunion pain go ignored! Contact Dr. Trinity Mereau and Dr. Steven Walters at Capital Foot & Ankle Surgeons of Austin in Austin, TX, to learn about the causes and treatments of bunions. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment today at (512) 474-6666.

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