How To Prevent Corns

Corns can develop on the toes or feet as a result of repeated friction or pressure on the skin. Even though they are small, corns can cause pain and discomfort. If you are in the Lincoln Park, IL, area, Dr. Warren Levy, the skilled podiatrist at Armitage Podiatry Center in Chicago, IL, can treat your corns and help you prevent new ones.

Causes of Corns

A corn is a rough, thickened area of skin that develops on the toes or feet. Corns can be tender or painful and usually have a hard center that is surrounded by inflamed skin. Corns tend to form as a result of repeated friction or pressure on the skin, such as where the inside of the shoes rubs against the toes. Some common causes of corns include:

  • Shoes that are narrow or too tight
  • Shoes that are too small
  • Wearing shoes without socks
  • Shoes with high heels

Various factors can also contribute to the development of corns. Certain foot conditions, such as bunions, can cause corns to develop. Bunions are associated with a bony protrusion on the side of the foot that tends to rub against the shoes, which can lead to corns. Participating in sports or workouts that involve a lot of running and movement that puts pressure and friction on the feet can cause corns to develop, as well.

Preventing Corns

There are several steps you can take at home to treat corns early on or prevent them from developing in the first place. Wearing shoes that are not too tight and fit properly will help prevent corns from forming. Footwear should have sufficient room in the toe area so the toes are not squished or rubbing against the interior of the shoes.

You can also take protective measures by wearing pads or bandages over areas of the feet that frequently rub against the shoes. This helps minimize friction and pressure, which can prevent corns. Finally, applying moisturizer to the feet daily can be helpful in preventing corns.

Treatment for Corns 

If you develop a corn, soaking the feet in warm water will help soften the skin so a callus file or pumice stone can be used to gently remove hardened skin and reduce the size of the corn. You should never try removing the corn yourself, though, especially if you are diabetic. Corns can easily become infected if they are not removed properly. Removal should only be performed by a podiatrist or other medical provider. The experienced podiatrist at our Chicago, IL, office removes corns for Lincoln Park patients and addresses the underlying cause so they don’t recur.

If you are dealing with corns, we can help. Our podiatrist will treat your existing corns and identify the root cause so you can take steps to prevent the corns from coming back. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Levy for the treatment and prevention of corns in Lincoln Park, call Armitage Podiatry Center in Chicago, IL, at (312) 266-6326.

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