How Crowns Help Your Smile

How Crowns Help Your Smile.

Losing a tooth is never easy, but your dentist can help bring back your smile, and maybe even save you from an extraction, thanks to dental crowns. Dental crowns are made to resemble your natural teeth and are constructed of durable materials such as ceramic compounds and certain types of metals and alloys. For more information about how dental crowns can help your smile get in contact with Dr. Jorge Ferreira of Sonrisa Dental in Santa Fe, NM.

Protecting and Restoring Your Smile

Teeth that are damaged or somehow weakened can be protected by a dental crown. The tooth first has to be reshaped to accept the implement, which fits over the tooth like a cap. It is permanently bonded in place and will restore your tooth's appearance and function.

Decay is a major culprit of tooth damage thanks to the acids produced by bacteria that cling to our teeth. It wears away the enamel over time causing cavities, which can eventually worsen and may require a root canal to stop the spread of infection and to save the tooth. Dental crowns are an important final step of a root canal procedure to protect the tooth.

It's not always possible to save a tooth, but gaps in your smile should still be corrected. Without a tooth occupying the space, the others will begin to shift, which could lead to other dental problems. Your dentist can replace the missing tooth with a dental bridge, which uses a series of crowns and healthy neighboring teeth as support. Dental implants, alternatively, can also replace a tooth but without impacting adjacent ones. Instead, a titanium post is implanted directly onto the bone which will serve as the replacement root for your new crown.

Dental Crowns in Santa Fe, NM

Dental crowns can protect weakened teeth as well as replace those that have been lost. They are an essential part of various treatments all of which are designed to help your smile. So come into the office and find out how dental crowns can help you, make an appointment today with Dr. Ferreira of Sonrisa Dental in Santa Fe, NM, by dialing (505) 455-2176.

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Jorge Ferreira DMD LLC




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