Covid-19 updates: Our office is currently open and seeing new and existing patients with all dental needs. Please be advised all patients are required to wear a mask upon arrival, and temperatures will be taken for each patient at check-in. Please contact the office for detailed instructions on entering the building as we are allowing a limited amount of patients up at a time.

Thomas W. Kauffman, Atlanta Dental Office
133 Peachtree Street N.E. Suite 4050 Atlanta, GA 30303
[email protected]
T: (404) 524-1981 | F: (404) 524-8463

Protect Yourself from Oral Cancer

Are there actually ways to reduce your risk of oral cancer very

Oral cancer is a terrible disease that can lead to serious and even life-threatening complications. If you’ve known someone who has it then chances are you know the devastation it can cause. If so, you may be wondering how you can protect yourself. Are there actually things you can do? Our Atlanta, GA, dentist, Dr. Thomas Kauffman, weighs in on the subject.

While it’s impossible to fully prevent oral cancer there are things you can do to reduce your risk of oral cancer including:

Quit Smoking

If you use tobacco products of any kind and you want to protect yourself against oral cancer then it’s high time that you quit smoking. Of course, we know that this is easier said than done, but our Atlanta general dentist would love to help you in any way possible, whether it’s looking up local support groups or making sure you come in more regularly for routine oral cancer screenings.

Smoking is one of the biggest risk factors linked to oral cancer. According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, those who smoke are 15 times more likely than non-users to develop oral cancer.

Cut Down on Alcohol

Another risk factor for oral cancer is heavy alcohol consumption. If you are a heavy drinker (men who drink more than 4 alcoholic beverages a day or women who drink more than 3 alcoholic beverages a day, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism), it’s time that you cut back to protect your oral health.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t have a drink ever again. You can still enjoy going out and having a glass or two of wine or having a cocktail with friends, just follow the “everything in moderation” rule and you’ll be fine.

See Your Dentist Regularly

Even if you feel healthy this doesn’t mean that you should skip out on your biannual exams. During these exams not only do we check for decay and gum disease but we also screen for oral cancer. You may not even know that we are doing it but we do this every time you come in for preventive care. By keeping up with these visits we are more likely to catch cancer in its earliest stages, which means a better prognosis for you.

Whether you are experiencing symptoms of oral cancer or you just need to schedule your next dental appointment, feel free to call our downtown Atlanta, GA, office anytime. We are here to make sure you get the  very best dental care you can

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