Improve Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr. Pier Cipriani of Newtown, PA, offers patients a long list of cosmetic dentistry procedures but one specific procedure to consider is tooth contouring and reshaping.

Why? Well, simple. Smiles are a crucial factor when it comes to first impressions, especially during job interviews, dates, or weddings. Dr. Cipriani can help provide patients with the confident smile they need.

So, you're interested. Great! But, what are the next steps?

Your Newtown, PA, dentist first examines to determine if these two procedures are right for you. He does this by visually scanning teeth and with the use of an x-ray.

When do teeth need contouring and/or reshaping?

  • crooked
  • chipped
  • cracked or fractured
  • overlapping or crowded teeth
  • pits and/or grooves in enamel

What does the process itself consist of?

After your dentist decides this cosmetic dentistry procedure is right for you, he must first treat any serious problems, like tooth decays. He'll then use anesthesia to numb the area if necessary and proceed to remove some enamel. This process should straighten teeth. Dr. Cipriani will then smoothen out and polish the resurfaced teeth. And, viola, you're all set!

How should you take care of your teeth?

People who suffer from bruxism (grinding teeth) should wear a nightguard while sleeping to avoid damaging teeth after their cosmetic dentistry procedure. If a nightguard is out of the question, then speak with your dentist about a procedure better suited for you.

Also, make sure you maintain a healthy oral regimen. When brushing your teeth, hold the brush at a 45-degree angle and brush for two minutes. This should be done twice a day, in addition to flossing before bed.

Are you curious about cosmetic dentistry? Would you like to know more about tooth contouring and reshaping? If so, call Dr. Pier Cipriani of Newtown, PA, at his office today at (215) 968-0620 for any questions or concerns.

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8:30 am-5:30 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm




One Saturday per month 8:30 to 12:30

