Why It's Important To See Your Family Dentist For Regular Cleanings

When was the last time you had a dental cleaning? If it's been more than six months, it's time to visit the Newtown, PA, family dentistry office of family dentist Dr. Pier Cipriani and Dr. Patrick Donnelly.

Whether you've neglected your appointment due to being busy, fear of the dentist, or the absence of any dental pain, regular cleaning is essential for a healthy smile.

Why do I need a regular cleaning?

  • Maintenance: If you've been brushing and flossing twice a day, you're off to a great start for healthy teeth. But your oral hygiene routine should still be complemented by a professional cleaning, which can most effectively remove any lingering tartar. The special tools used by your family dentist at our Newtown, PA, family dentistry office can reach in the crevices between the teeth and along the gum line to remove particles and plaque your toothbrush alone can't reach. We also apply a fluoride treatment to protect your teeth from decay.
  • Brightening your smile: With our high-powered tools, we polish your teeth to remove any film or surface staining to reveal a whiter smile.
  • Uncovering and treating dental issues: You might not feel or see any problems with your teeth, but you could still have a cavity, chip, or missing filling. Your dentist has magnifying tools to detect these problems. Early treatment is essential to keep the issue from intensifying and causing prolonged oral health problems.
  • Exploring the services offered at your dentist: If all you need is a cleaning and exam, that's fine. But if you are looking into straightening your teeth, whitening them, or replacing missing teeth, your appointment is a great opportunity to discuss your options with your dentist.

Keep your smile bright and healthy for a lifetime with the help of family dentists Dr. Cipriani and Dr. Donnelly. Call our family dentistry office in Newtown, PA, today at 215-968-0620.

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Primary Location


8:30 am-5:30 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm




One Saturday per month 8:30 to 12:30

