Oral Hygiene for Better Breath

When you are in search of a family dentist in Noblesville, IN who can assist you in significantly improving your oral hygiene, Dr. Meghan Potee's Family Dentistry is here to help. She gives patients the tools that they need so that they can enjoy better oral hygiene (and better breath!)

How Is a Diagnosis Made?

If a Noblesville, IN, patient makes an appointment with a family dentist such as Dr. Potee, she will evaluate the breath from their nose and mouth on an odor scale. In some instances, she may also decide to scrape the back of the tongue, in order to determine whether it is the source of the smell. This is how the chemicals that are responsible for a patient’s bad breath are identified.

How Can Bad Breath Be Reduced?

There are certain steps that a Noblesville, IN patient can take before scheduling an appointment with a dentist. For starters, it is important to avoid cavities, which helps to keep the risk of gum disease lower. While it is important to practice good oral hygiene on a consistent basis, it is also important to visit an experienced dentist, so that they can determine the cause of bad breath.

From there, further treatments can be suggested, depending on the specific needs of the patient. In certain instances, the patient may have an underlying health condition. They are going to be referred to their primary care provider by any experienced dentist. Dr. Potee can also assist patients who seek added dental measures.

What Types of Control Might She Suggest?

Treating Bacteria Buildup

A family dentist can point out that bad breath can often take place as the result of a persistent bacteria buildup on the teeth. In these instances, a dentist will recommend that the patient begin to use a mouth rinse that is designed to kill off as much of the bacteria as possible. There is also specialized toothpaste that can be recommended in these instances, as they contain antibacterial agents that are also able to kill bacteria before it builds up.

Dental Disease Treatments

Patients who are diagnosed with gum disease may be referred to a specialist in more extreme cases. Gum disease takes place when the gums have started to pull away from the teeth. This causes pockets of bacteria to collect, contributing to the unwanted odor. Professional cleaning can remove that bacteria. Patients with faulty tooth restorations may also need these fixed, as a means of addressing the problem. Lifestyle changes and home remedies are recommended, depending on the needs of each patient.

If you are having trouble with bad breath and like to see a family dentist in Noblesville, IN and you would like to get to the bottom of these issues, please be sure to contact Dr. Potee at Potee Family Dentistry at 317-773-0883.

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7:30 am-5:00 pm


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7:30 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-4:00 pm








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