Don't Ignore These Signs Of Periodontal Disease

Bleeding gums and bad breath may seem like minor annoyances, but these problems may be symptoms of gum disease. Ignoring the gum diseasesymptoms can raise your risk of developing serious complications, including infections and tooth loss. Jacksonville, NC, dentist, Dr. Jose Arauz shares several common signs of periodontal disease.

Mild gum disease symptoms

Gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease, is often reversible with better oral hygiene. Symptoms of gingivitis include:

  • Gum Changes: Gingivitis causes the gums to swell and bleed easily when you brush or floss your teeth. If you take a look at your mouth, you may notice that your gums look reddish rather than pink.
  • Receding Gums: The early stage of periodontal disease may cause your gums to recede, exposing tooth roots.
  • Bad Breath: Is your breath bad no matter how often you brush your teeth and use mouthwash? Gingivitis may be the cause of the problem.

Serious gum disease symptoms

If you don't treat gingivitis symptoms, you may develop periodontitis. Periodontitis does not only affects your gums but may also lead to bone loss in your jaw. Symptoms of periodontitis include:

  • Pain: Your gums may hurt when you touch them, chew, or brush and floss. Gum swelling may increase at this stage. If your tooth roots are exposed, you may experience pain when you eat or drink hot foods or beverages.
  • Pockets: Pockets, deep spaces that form between your teeth and gums, are a common sign of periodontal disease. Bacteria in the pockets damages your gums and your jawbone.
  • Loose Teeth: Have you noticed that your teeth seem to be a little loose? Prompt treatment is essential if you don't want to lose them.
  • Bite Changes: Gum disease may also affect the way your teeth fit together or change the fit of dentures.

How can my dentist help?

If you notice any of these symptoms, make an appointment with our Jacksonville office as soon as possible. In some cases, you may only need a deep cleaning to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and roots. If the disease is severe, laser surgery may be used to remove diseased tissue and close up the pockets around teeth. Gum grafts may also be needed to replace the diseased gum tissue.

Don't let periodontal disease ruin your smile! Call Jacksonville, NC, dentist Dr. Jose Arauz at (910) 577-1315 to schedule your appointment.

Dr. Arauz received his first dental degree (Doctor in Dental Surgery, D.D.S.) from the University of Panama in Panama City, Panama in 1997 and then his second dental degree (Doctor in Dental Medicine, D.M.D.) from Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio in 2004. He completed his specialty degree in Periodontology at the University of Rochester’s world-renowned Eastman Dental Center in New York in 2002, and completed a two-year residency in advanced education in general dentistry (AEGD) and general practice residency (GPR) as well. While at Case Western Reserve University, he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Periodontics and he taught to residents and dental students for five years. He was also Clinic Director of the residency in Periodontics, and directed courses in Implantology, Sedation, and Surgical Periodontics. Additionally, Dr. Arauz was a staff periodontist and consultant in periodontology and dental implants at the Department of Dentistry of the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic, and practiced periodontics and dental implantology in private offices located in Westlake, Lyndhurst and Mentor, Ohio. Dr. Arauz is a Board Certified periodontist, Diplomate of The American Board of Periodontology, and an active member of the American Academy of Periodontology, the Academy of Osseointegration and the American Board of Periodontology. The dental practice of Dr. Jose Arauz is limited to Periodontics, Implants, and Oral Medicine. He is fluent and proficient in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

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