Signs You May Need a Tooth Extracted

Tooth extraction is an important procedure for patients with severely damaged or decayed teeth. However, early spotting of the signs and symptoms that lead to an extraction can help you treat the issues and might prevent an extraction altogether. If you live in Jacksonville, NC, Dr. Jose Arauz is an expert in this field and can help educate you on the topic. Find out more about tooth extraction, when you may need one, and how you can avoid the process by reading below.

Why Might I Need a Tooth Extraction?

Teeth are resilient. Their strong physical makeup can withstand heavy daily use, various traumas or injuries, and recover from issues like teeth decay and gum disease. However, teeth are not invincible. These issues can sometimes create a serious and advanced situation where the tooth can simply no longer function. In cases of serious decay, gum disease, or injury, you may require a tooth extraction. Additionally, your dentist may suggest an extraction prior to orthodontic care or in conjunction with a dental procedure or restoration.

Tooth Replacement After Extraction

Replacing your missing tooth is important to avoid issues which result from a gap in your smile like shifting teeth or bone atrophy. Dental implants are a great solution to a missing tooth since they lie within the jawbone and provide the stimulation it requires to remain healthy. In some cases, your dentist may even be able to place an implant during the extraction procedure. However, there are also other tooth replacement options — dental bridges can replace the tooth above the gum line while dentures replace several missing teeth.

Preventing Tooth Extraction in Jacksonville, NC

Often, preventing the need for a tooth extraction is as easy as preventing teeth decay and gum disease, the most common cause of tooth loss. Brushing twice daily and flossing at least once can greatly reduce your chances of decay and gum disease. See your dentist at least twice a year to ensure that you receive the preventative care you require to avoid tooth extraction.

For more information on tooth extraction, please contact Dr. Jose Arauz in Jacksonville, NC. Call (910) 577-1315 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Arauz today!

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