What Gum Grafting Can Do for You

Gum GraftingWhat Gum Grafting Can Do for You

When your gums pull away from your teeth, it's called gum recession. A number of things can contribute to gum recession, including gum disease and aggressive brushing. Gum grafting is a breakthrough in the treatment of gum recession. Dr. Jose Arauz is your Jacksonville, NC, dentist for the treatment of gum recession. Read on to find out what gum grafting can do for you.

Improve Your Smile- Over time, exposed tooth roots can look unsightly. Gum grafting can improve the appearance of your smile while rendering gum recession a thing of the past! Gum grafting can be performed on one or more teeth to augment gum tissue and make your gumline appear even. Gum grafting has made such a difference in the lives of many people.

Protect Root Decay- Gum grafting can protect exposed tooth roots from dental decay. The roots of the teeth don't have the protective, hard enamel that covers the rest of the teeth so they're more vulnerable to decay. It can be difficult for dental practitioners to treat cavities on the roots of teeth. This type of cavity can spread to the inside of the teeth where the nerves are, causing infection and painful toothaches.

Reduce Sensitivity- Do your teeth twinge when you drink or eat? Tooth sensitivity is a common problem. When the tooth roots become exposed, cold and hot temperatures can cause extreme sensitivity to the teeth. Worn tooth enamel can also cause tooth sensitivity. Gum grafting can reduce tooth sensitivity, especially to cold and hot foods and beverages.

Prevent Health Issues- Gum recession starts out as cosmetic in nature, but it can lead to serious health problems if not addressed. Receding gums don't grow back. Without treatment, the supporting tissue and bone around your teeth can be severely damaged and result in loss of teeth. Gum grafting can help stop the process of gum recession and jawbone loss, preventing further problems.

Life always offers another chance to get back on track. It's called today. Call Dr. Jose Arauz at 910-600-6171 today to schedule a dental consultation in Jacksonville, NC. Whether you have gum graft surgery to improve esthetics or function, you will receive the benefits of both: improved periodontal health and a beautiful new smile – your keys to eating, smiling and speaking with confidence.

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